Chapter 25

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[A feverish, semiconscious Dumbledore raises his left hand and tips a goblet of golden potion over his lips while Snape ministers to his right hand, which is blackened. A ring lies upon the desk before them.]
Snape: Why did you put it on? Surely you realized it carried a curse.
Dumbledore: I was... foolish... greedy...
Snape: Drink the rest. It will contain the curse to the hand for the time being. [Dumbledore's eyes open, examine his damaged fingers.]
Dumbledore: For the time being?
Snape: It will spread.
"So he was dying anyway." Said Narcissa.
Dumbledore: How long?
Snape: Maybe a year. [Dumbledore nods, smiles.]
Dumbledore: Well, this makes matters much more straightforward. [Snape studies Dumbledore briefly, looks away.]
Dumbledore: Do not ignore me, Severus. Was it not you who told me of Lord Voldemort's plan to have the
Malfoy girl murder me?
Snape: It is not expected that she will
"It's punishment for us." Said Narcissa.
"I'm sorry." Said Lucius, looking down. Narcissa nodded.
Dumbledore: But should she fail, one would presume the Dark Lord will turn to... you. [Snape does not respond.]
Dumbledore: You must agree. [Snape stares in horror at Dumbledore. Dumbledore nods.]
Dumbledore: Yes. You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely.
"So he didn't betray?" Asked Lily hopefully.
Snape: You ask too much.
Dumbledore: (thundering) Too much! Nothing I could ask is too much. You know what is at stake! You more than anyone! [Snape says nothing. Dumbledore sits back, painfully studies his hand.]
Dumbledore: There will come a time when Anna Potter must be told something. But you must wait until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable.
Snape: Tell her what?
Dumbledore: On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Anna, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded. When that happened, a part of Lord Voldemort's soul latched itself
onto the only living thing it could find: Anna herself.
"It's- no..." Said James.
"It's true." Said Regulus.
"How would you know?" Snapped Sirius.
"She can see in dark lord's mind. Have you ever heard of people who are able to look into each others minds without legitimency while being miles away?" Answered Regulus.
"And when Anna looked into his mind, she saw all the hocruxes including herself. Why do you think it showed her face?" Said Barty sadly.
"Or how can she speak to snakes when no Potter has ever been able?" Asked Regulus.
"No, no. She aleady experienced too much... No." Said Lily.
"We will fix this. We will protect her. We will fix it." Whispered James to Lily soothingly.
[Snape stares in disbelief. Dumbledore nods.]
Dumbledore: There's a reason Anna can speak with snakes. There's a reason she can look into Lord Voldemort's mind. A part of Lord Voldemort lives inside her.
Snape: So when the time comes, the girl must die.
Dumbledore: Yes. And Voldemort himself must do it. That is essential.
"That old hag! I'll kill him!" Yelled Lily and went to jump at screen.
"He isn't here." Said Remus. Lily sat down, but kept glarimg at Dumbledore with others.
[Snape nods, pondering all of this. His voice is bitter.]
Snape: You've kept her alive so that she can die at the proper moment. You've been raising her like a pig for slaughter.
James clunches his fist.
Dumbledore: But this is touching, Severus. Don't tell me you've grown to care for the girl? [Snape eyes Dumbledore fiercely, then:]
Snape: Expecto Patronum! [A blast of light bursts from his wand, soars out the window: a silver doe.]
"He was the one who helped find Gryffindor's sword!" Said surprised Remus.
"He has same patronus as me?" Asked suprised Lily. James glared at Snape.
Dumbledore: Lily. After all this time?
Snape: Always... [We go to black...]
[In the f.g., a baby fidgets in its crib. We see Snape enter the room, glance at the baby, then down toward the floor. He stands, utterly still... then his face creases with pain. Lily lies in profile, eyes open but empty, staring toward the ceiling. Her chest is still. Snape leans down and, cradling her, begins to weep...]
"Yeah, ignore the crying baby!" Glared Barty.
Dumbledore: (V.O.): The irony of course, Severus, is that -- in the end -- you and the girl desire the same thing...
[Anna emerges, dripping, from the Pensieve and stares at her reflection in the window opposite, watching as the liquid runs like tears from her face, then evaporates. Gently, she touches the center of her chest.]
[The castle is eerily quiet as Anna walks, the portraits she passes empty. As she reaches the end of the corridor, she turns and stops. In the shadows of an alcove, Neville murmurs to Rose, their faces close. Ada is resting her head on Alex's shoulder. For a long moment, Anna simply watches them. Then, as if sensing her presence, Rose turns. Instantly, she runs to her. Others follow.]
Neville: Where've you been?
Rose: We thought you'd gone to the
forest, We thought you might be --
Anna: I'm going there now.
Ada: Are you mad?! No!
"Absolutely not!" Said Gryffindors.
Anna: It's... meant to be.
Rose: Rubbish! You can't just give yourself up to him -- [Neville squeezes Rose's arm, silencing her.]
Neville: What is it, Anna? What is it you know? [Rose studies his face, then looks back to Anna.]
Anna: There's a reason I can... hear
them -- the Horcruxes. [Rose begins to shake her head, not wanting to believe. Ada, Neville and Alex look confused. Anna simply nods, touches the center of her chest.]
Anna: I think I've known for awhile.
(studying her) I think you've known too. [Rose stands still, miserable.]
"Don't.." whispered James with broken voice.
Rose: I'll go with you. I'll -- [She falters hopelessly as a single tear traces her cheek. Anna reaches out, wipes it away.]
Anna: Kill the snake. Kill the snake and then it's just him. Then it will be over.
[She turns then, leaving them. Rose, Ada, Alex and Neville stand silently, watching every step she takes, Ada runs at her and hugs her.]
Ada: Don't leave me. please.
Anna: I'm sorry, but i don't have a choice. It's either i go throught this and i die, or i don't go through this and we all die. [Tears roll down Ada's cheek. Anna kisses her forhead.]
Everyone tears up.
Anna: I'm sorry, Ada. (To Alex) Take care of her. If you ever hurt her in anyway, i'll come back to hunt your ass. [Alex chuckles teary eyed and nods.]
Alex: I will. [Anna glances back at Ada, than at Rose and Neville.]
Anna: I love you. Thank you for showing me what having family feels like. [Rose breaks down crying. Tears roll down Neville's face, too. Alex holds cring Ada.]
"No, no." Sobbed Lily.
[As Anna descends, Oliver Wood appears in the Entrance Hall far below, carrying the body of a smallish boy: Nigel. Anna watches the child, for a moment, she looks old.]
"He is just a child for Merlin's sake!" Said horrified Remus.
[In the distance, shadows collect the dead, too occupied with their grim task to notice Anna.]
[Anna reaches the Forest's edge. Within, further on, she can see Dementors drifting within the trees. Anna starts to enter, then pauses, reaches into her pocket and removes the Snitch. Eyes the words etched upon it: "I open at the close." Anna frowns, then closes her eyes, brings the metal orb to her lips. Her fingers tremble, then lowers her hand, watching as the metal shell falls away to reveal... the ressurection stone. A jagged crack runs down its center,
along the line representing the Elder Wand. The triangle and circle, representing the Cloak and Stone, are faintly visible. Anna stares at it, then closes her eyes and begins to roll the Stone over in her hand.]
"She is gonna use stone." Said Regulus intrigued.
Anna: (murmuring) Once. Twice. Thrice... [Anna stands for a moment and then, slowly, opens her eyes. Reacts. Four people stand within the Forest: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Lily Potter. Lily eyes her lovingly and beckons her forth. As if in a dream, Anna drifts through the trees, stops before her.]
Lily Potter: You've been so brave, sweetheart.
Anna: Why are you here? All of you?
Lily Potter: We never left, dear.
Anna: Does it hurt? Dying?
"She is just a kid." Said Narcissa sadly.
Sirius Black: Quicker than falling asleep. [Anna smiles.]
Anna: I missed you, uncle Pads. [Sirius smiles.]
Sirius: I missed you, too, prongslette.
Remus: He will want it to be quick.
James Potter: You're nearly there.
Anna: I'm sorry. I didn't want any of you to die for me. And Uncle Moony...
Remus: It's okay. Now i'm with my friends and husband. [Sirius kisses him. Anna smiles at them.]
Sirius kisses Remus's hand.
[A chill breeze shakes the trees. Anna looks ahead.]
Anna: You'll stay with me?
James Potter: Until the end.
Anna: He won't be able to see you?
[Sirius shakes his head, gestures to Anna's heart.]
Sirius Black: No. We're here, you see.
[Anna turns to her mother.]
Anna: Stay close to me.
Lily Potter: Always...
People tear up again.
[Anna glances back, toward the Forest's Edge, takes a last look at the castle in the distance, then sets off. Dozens of dementors drift amongst the smoking trees, but her guides insulate her, and they merely peel away. Anna walks on, her legs driving her, until light splinters the trees ahead, and a clearing comes into view.]
[A fire burns, its light flickering over the throng of death eaters present. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, weary with fear, sit apart. Bellatrix paces in and out of the shadows, muttering madly. And then there is Voldemort, who stands with his head bowed, his skeletal hands folded over the Elder Wand. Nagini lays in a heavy coil at his feet. Yaxley enters the clearing.]
Yaxley: No sign of her, my Lord. [Voldemort nods, unmoving.]
Voldemort: I thought she would come. I was, it seems... mistaken.
Anna: You weren't.
Lily clunches James's hand. Remus and Sirius hug each other. Evan held Barty's hand to comfort him.
[All eyes shift to Anna, standing at the clearing's edge. She lets the Resurrection Stone tumble from her fingers and James, Sirius, Lupin and, lastly, Lily -- all vanish. Anna steps into the firelight.]
Hagrid: ANNA! NO! WHAT'RE YEH DOIN' 'ERE! [Hagrid is trussed to a tree. The branches shake violently as he tries to break free.]
Yaxley: Quiet! [He flicks his wand and Hagrid slumps, goes silent. A cackling laugh rises on the air and Anna turns, sees Bellatrix glancing eagerly from Anna to Voldemort. Anna quickly raises her wand and aims at Bellatrix.]
Anna: Sectusembra! [White light comes out of Anna's wand and Blood spurted from Bellatrix's face and chest as though she had been slashed with an invisible sword. She staggered backward and collapsed onto the ground. Everyone even Voldemort looks at her shocked.]
"Ha! Bitch is dead!" Said Sirius. Narcissa's eyes swim with unshed tears. Lucius hugs her into his chest.
[Pain flashes in Narcissa's eyes, Lucius rubs Narcissa's hand.]
Anna: Sorry about that. Who am i kidding? I'm not sorry. That bitch killed my godfather.
Sirius smiles at her.
[Voldemort takes a step forward and the flickering flames wash over his pale skin. He tilts his head to the side. A smile curls on his mouth.]
Voldemort: Seems like we are more alike than i thought.
Anna: We aren't. I'm better. I have friends. What you have? Immortality? What is it good for if you are alone?
Voldemort: What is your friends good for if you die?
Anna: You think you achieved something? You're wrong. They would still not give a damn if you died again. They might even celebrate it.
Everyone agreed.
Anna: Everyone here is here only because they are scared of you. You're still no one. Still just a pathetic, lonely orphan, who cries himself to sleep, because no one wants him. No one wants poor little Tommy. Not even now. I pity you.
"She is very brave..." Said James proudly.
[Nagini hisses behind her protective guard of Death Eaters. Voldemort raises his wand. Scarlet flickers in his eyes. Then a bolt of green light shatters the night.]

Anna Potter and the Deathly HollowsWhere stories live. Discover now