Chapter 12

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[There is a colossal explosion. The second floor of the black cylinder ruptures. Quibblers belch into the air like confetti as Lovegood narrowly escapes.]
[Rose and Anna tumble into view and roll to their feet, barely visible in the darkness.]
"They are okay." Sighs out Lily. Evan, Barty and Regulsu are still worried for Luna and Xenophilius.
Rose: I’ll do the enchantments.
[Rose takes out his wand... when Anna raises her hand, stopping her. Her eyes rise. Her breath catches. Rose looks. Clinging to the branches of the trees above, almost as if a part of the trees themselves, are... snatchers. A wand blooms above, illuminates the face of Scabior. Rose’s red scarf, now faded and filthy, dangles from his neck. He presses it to his grimy nose, inhales and grins.]
Scabior: Hello, beautiful.
"Shit" Said Sirius.
[Anna and Rose dash through the trees. As they diverge, we cut back and forth between the two: Rose, swift as the wind, flickers through the trees as Scabior pursues her. Anna slashes through the river, looks up, and sees a Snatcher leap across the divide from one tree to another. The forest grows more dense, the shadows thicken. Spells splinter through the trees, ropes of light lace the night.]
Everyone watches worried.
[Rose stumbles, regains her footing, finds herself in a clearing. Another figure pelts toward her: Anna. They freeze briefly, then the clearing explodes with light as spells ricochet. They hit the ground. Hear the Snatchers closing in. Anna looks to Rose. The tip of Rose's wand glows and her face blooms in the darkness, looking mildly demonic. She reaches out, stips her glasses from her face, then points her wand... at her. A burst of white light strikes Anna in the eyes.]
"What is she doing?!" Asked Remus.
[Anna is flying toward a fortress, gliding around the high walls, up to the topmost window of the highest tower. She passes through the window -- little more than a slit -- and...]
[... finds a skeletal figure lying beneath a ragged blanket. The figure stirs, looks up, and grins with broken teeth. It is the young man -- the thief -- grown old. Grindelwald.]
Grindelwald: Ah, Tom, I thought you would come one day. But surely you must know I no longer have what you seek...
"How does Grindelwald knows his identity?" Asked James.
[A shadow -- Voldemort’s -- falls across Grindelwald.]
Voldemort: If not you, then who?
Grindelwald: You’re so innocent, Tom. Like a schoolboy. There’s so much you don’t understand...
Gryffindors laugh.
"He is right. Grindelwald was real dark lord. He had goals and he fought for them and unlike Voldemort he wasn't hypocrite. And for Merlins's sake, he didn't fail to kill child hundred times. In fact, if not Dumbledore i doubt anyone could stop him. Grindelwald was much more powerful than him and unlike Voldemort, he knew what he wanted and what he was doing." Said Regulus. Slytherins agreed.
"Changing lords, brother?" Sneered Sirius. Regulus glared at him.
Voldemort: Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where to find it! Tell me who possesses it! The name, Grindelwald! The name!
Grindelwald: Can’t you guess, Tom? It lies with him, of course. Buried within the earth. It is he who possesses it, even in death. Your old friend and my old lover... Dumbledore.
"Dumbledore dated Grindelwald? It keeps getting better." Muttered Lucius.
"I knew Dumbledore was gay!" Said Barty.
[Anna blinks and in a (swollen) blur peers at Rose, whispers quickly:]
Anna: They exist. The Hallows. [Rose looks at her expectantly. She nods, her face shrouded in shadow, barely visible.]
Anna: But he only wants the one, the last one. That’s what he’s been looking for.
Rose: What’re you saying?
Anna: He knows where it is, Riddle. He’ll have it by the end of the night. He’s found the Elder Wand. [As Anna stares in stunned disbelief, figures emerge from the trees. Scabior strips Rose of her wand.]
"Why does it always get worse?! Why can't they get a break?!" Yelled frustrated Lily.
[Anna peers up, her eyes swollen to slits, her face horribly misshaped.]
Scabior: What happened to you, ugly?
[Anna’s hand finds her face, feels the lumps.]
Scabior: What’s your name?
Anna: Petunia. Petunia Dursley.
Scabior: Check the list. And you, ginger?
Rose: Elena Shunpike.
Scabior: Like ‘ell you are. We know her. Try again. [Greyback, her boot to Rose's neck, presses harder.]
Everyone glared at them.
Rose: Weasley... (making it up) Ginny Weasley.
Scabior: Weasley, eh? Wouldn’t be related to that blood traitor Arthur Weasley, would you?
Rose: Piss off! Arthur Weasley’s ten times the wizard you are!
Gryffindors agreed.
Scabior: Worth ten times you if I can find him. Wasn’t you that tipped him off, was it? [Rose stays mute.]
Snatcher: There’s no Petunia Dursley on ‘ere. [Reluctantly, Scabior turns to Anna.]
Fenrir Greyback: Hear that, ugly? The list says you’re lying. How come you don’t want us to know who you are? Hm?
Anna: The list is wrong. I told you who I am -- [Scabior puts a finger to her lips, silencing Anna, his wand probing Anna’s face more closely.]
Scabior: Change of plans, boys. We won’t be taking this lot to the Ministry.
"And it gets worse." Sights Remus.

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