Most, if not all, apprentices suck.

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The lady walked swiftly across the corridor,when her phone buzzed playing a tune. She picked up the call and quickly spoke into the device, "What is it now, Nate?". On the other end she heard explosive noises before she heard her apprentice, "It's the DDP. We may-Nessa! Give it back!-He broke it, Lucy." came the exasperated voice of Vanessa. 

"BLOODY HELL?!" Lucy yelled, normality escaping her, "How does someone break a portal?!" she asked, still in shock. "Please. Come quickly. I can't put up with him anymore." This had Lucy stop and dash in the opposite direction.

She opened the doors to the porch and walked to her bike and rode off to where her friends were.


A loud revving of a bike notified her arrival to the pair of youngsters.

Her heels clanked against the rubble of the stone path. With her helmet resting on the curve of her stomach, she peered into the portal before her which let out mechanicals whirrs and shrill sounds.

The pinkette turned to her students "Well?Don't try to give me a pathetic excuse okay?At least put some spice into your story." a terrifying look flashed on her face as she smiled.

Nathaniel backed away in fear- "it-I was eating -mc donalds and I -tripped and cast a deflection on the box and missed...Sorry."Lucy smacked the back of his head,"That's the worst idea you ever had in your entire life." Vanessa intruded, "I ran an analysis on the damage.The world lost an important character-Bilbo Baggins."

Lucy's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"It was a portal to the hobbit universe? And Nate's broken the portal that caused the world to alter Bilbo's existence?" She received a small nod from her friend. " Well shit. My brother will have my head if he hears of this." The shorter brunette asked - "What are gonna do, luce?"

She pondered for a moment. "Compromise."She said hysterically.


The lovely Bree  is a complete out- of- a -fairytale place with thuggish looking hobbits and rough ended folk, and for those of you who wouldn't know, housed more taverns than the amount of people thrandruil has imprisoned out of pure spite.

Inside one such bistro, sat the direct heir of Durin, Thorin Oakenshield.

The dwarf had come in for a meal after a days worth of hard labour at the forge.He was handed a plate and he proceeded to eat. Just as he bit into his food he felt and ominous gaze on him and shifted to notice the open ended stare he received from a burly fellow to his right, not a moment later he found another man staring at him unblinking.

Honestly you'd think if these guys were to appear in our world they'd whisk away all the guinness records for the oddest things. Caught between two highly unpleasant stares made poor Thorin feel anxious and perturbed as he put the bread back on the plate stopping a moment as he observed the two individuals stand from their seats and move towards him. 

His hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword, preparing for a fight in case the scenario arose. He was promptly stopped when a grey robed man sat across from him "Mind if I join you?" he asked, not expecting a response in return.

 The older one then reached out to a waitress informing her that he would have the same as Thorin. Thorin's eyes drifted to the men who backed away and sighed in relief. "I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf" This brought the dwarf's gaze to the person before him, as he continued "Gandalf the grey." He nodded in acknowledgement. "I know who you are."

His words incited a small chuckle from Gandalf. "Well now, this is a fine chance." Motioning he asks, " What brings Thorin Oakenshield to Bree?" Thorin glanced momentarily at the table, "I received word that my father had been seen wandering the wild near Dunland."

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