𝐥𝐱𝐢. sᴡᴇᴇᴛ sɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ

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꧁🄿5|🄲 61꧂❨

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꧁🄿5|🄲 61꧂
❨.。.:*✧ 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞❩


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IT SEEMED LIKE IT HAD BEEN SO LONG SINCE REBEKAH WAS ABLE TO SIT DOWN AND WATCH GOLDEN GIRLS AND REALLY ENJOY THE SHOW. It had been nearly a week since the confrontation with the Volturi and there was an aura of peace that Rebekah was taking full advantage of. Which is why she was currently perched on her bed in her and Alec’s home. Leah was there as well, lying on the bed beside her - flipping through the many magazines Alice had gifted her to help prepare for the wedding. 

Everyone had taken this time to wind down after the near-death experience. Bella, Edward, and Renesmee were planning a family trip to Disneyland - with Alice marking days on the calendar when the weather would be appropriate for them to go. Alice and Jasper were forced to sit through an hour-long lecture from Esme, the motherly woman scolding them for worrying her like they had. Emmett and Rosalie were brainstorming places to go on their next honeymoon - with Rebekah pitching in ideas now and again.

Alec was out of the house, and Esme was working on designing a house for Felix and Demetri since she had “adopted” them into her family without batting an eyelash. Her mate was there as moral support more than anything else.

“So what style of dress are you thinking? Mermaid, ball gown? Boho?” Leah listened as she flipped through the pages of the magazine. “Bella’s dress was pretty. Maybe something simple but sexy? Lace would definitely look good on you.”

“I haven’t really put much thought into it. It all feels like a dream.” Rebekah told her honestly, her eyes still stuck on the TV screen but her mind seemed to be a million miles away. “I just want to marry him. Hell, we could elope to Vegas for all I care.”

“And have Alice hunt you down?” The she-wolf shot her an amused look. “Rebekah, this is your wedding! Go all out! Be a princess for a day. But if you want to have Elvis officiate your wedding, I’ll support you all the way.”

Rebekah let out a laugh before she finally decided to turn off the TV, knowing she wouldn’t be able to focus on her show. She pulled a magazine into her hands, eyes scanning over the pages that were dedicated to wedding themes. Bella’s lavender theme had been beautiful, but she wanted something different. She wanted the wedding to happen in October, when Fall would hit Forks full force and it was currently the middle of January. Alice wanted her to have a winter wedding, but she put a stop to that immediately. 

“I think I want this to be my color scheme.” She pointed at the picture on the upper left part of the page. It was something that would look beautiful in autumn and Rebekah had fallen in love with the colors immediately. 

“That does look good.” Leah marked the page and circled the picture along with a few other things. “Now the main thing you need to pick is your dress.”

At the notion of a dress, Rebekah made a face. She didn’t do dresses, but she had made a promise to herself long ago that the only other time she would wear a dress was at her wedding. Besides, she was allowed to indulge every now and again. 

“We’ll save that for another day though.” Leah said after seeing the look on Rebekah’s face. She knew her friend was still in the shocked stage of her engagement, where it didn’t seem real - and she knew that Rebekah still needed a while until she was truly ready to plan the wedding. 

Rebekah was about to reply when she heard the sound of the front door opening. It sounded like Alec was back from helping his friends. 

“Ah, he returns.” Leah jested when Alec appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. The red-eyed vampire fondly rolled his eyes in response to the she-wolf’s banter. 

“Hi.” Rebekah smiled as Alec made her way towards her, leaning down to kiss her gently. “How was your day?”

“It was fine.” Alec replied back, nudging Leah to scoot over just a tad, giving him enough room to sit down on the bed. “Demetri and Esme are looking at furniture now and Felix is “useless lump of lard” as Demetri so kindly put it.” At the tracker’s words, Leah let out a cackle while Rebekah could only shake her head in amusement. 

“Well, it sounds like you have a very entertaining day.” Rebekah smiled as Alec leaned forward to rest his head on her chest, sighing in contentment when the girl began to weave her fingers through his hair. 

“I think I am going to get out of here, Santiago is probably waiting on me.” Leah excused herself as she gathered the magazines in her arms. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Rebekah.”

Rebekah bid her best friend goodbye and Alec offered her a wave, never once moving from his spot. If he had still been human, Rebekah was sure he would have dozed off by now. But alas all he could do was lay there and relax, allowing the tension to melt off his shoulders. 

“Have you heard anything?” She asked finally, her question vague but Alec knew what she was talking about.

He offered a shake of his head. “No, but I know they’re here. I can feel them watching when me, Felix, Demetri, and Santiago go out ot hunt. But they stick to the shadows.” Alec looked up at her, concern shining in his eyes. “Maybe we should tell Carlisle.”

But Rebekah just shook her head. “No. I don’t want to worry him. This is our problem and we can handle it without needing to involve them. They have already dealt with enough.” 

Alec only nodded, knowing where she was coming from. The Cullen clan was basking in the aftermath of the battle when the dust finally settled and there was a sense of peace. 

They didn’t need to be bothered with the threat that hung over Rebekah and Alec’s head. Nor did they need to know about the letter that was currently hidden in the bottom drawer of the desk in the study. 

No. This was something they needed to deal with alone

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]

AND WE ARE BACK! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of 'TEETH' I promise the next chapter will be much longer!

I am planning more fanfics and more stories, but TEETH will always have a special place in my heart and I will complete it (I will cry when I do)

For now though...

Thoughts? Ideas? Predictions?

Be sure to let me know!

Until the next update!


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