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When Annabeth, Grover, Elara and (Y/N) arrived at half-blood hill, it took just a few minutes for Percy to arrive, probably a little godly transportation. He seemed a lot more happy now than ever, probably gotten some weight off of his chest. Maybe he even met his dad. More than he could say for some, at least for himself. Standing up at the top of the hill, they all began to descend upon their home before Elara seemed to slither into an invisible wall. Everyone stopped to look at her, it only took a split second to realise what had happened. 

"You guys go on ahead, I'll... I'll deal with this." 

Uncertain in what to do but respecting his wishes, they left the two on top of the hill to a crowd of celebrating demi-gods who saw them up there. 

"Ssssssssso, now what?" 

They stared at each other, having a conversation with no words. Taking a deep breath to prepare for what he was about to say, the son of Asclepius said, "I've felt more alive with you than I have in the last thousand years my dear. We've had some quite wild... fun and I've grown more close to you than I first thought I would. Because of our current situation if you want we could extend our deal." 

Looking back down on the camp sprawled out in front of him, he voiced his ideas. 

"Two choices. One, I give you all the curse-prevention pills you'll ever need and we can go our separate ways." 

The dracaena's facial expression gave away her discontent for that idea. 

"Or, option two. I grant you access to camp, and you can live here with me. I may be able to cook up a proper cure for your disease in a certain amount of time, but I can't promise anything. Your choice, no pressure." 

With every word he spoke, her face seemed to brighten at the thought of staying together with (Y/N). At the end of his deal, she practically threw herself at him, dotting his face with kisses. 

"Of courssssse I'll sssssstay with you! You can't get rid of me sssssssso eassssssssily, ssssssson of Asclepiusssssss." 

Kissing her cold lips, he twirled her form in the air, possibly catching the attention of some campers down below, but right now (Y/N) simply didn't care. After their little moment of bliss, he put her down and proudly stated, "I, (Y/N), give you permission to enter camp half blood!"

 Cautiously moving forwards, (Y/N) let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in as she joined him inside camp borders. He was a little sceptical if monsters could even be given permission to enter camp, but luckily that wasn't a problem. Kissing her again, he held her clawed hand and they made their way down the hill, avoiding the crowd of celebrating demi-gods.

Unfortunately, they weren't as secretive as they hoped, because just as they passed the arena, a certain centaur appeared in front of them blocking out the sun. 

"There you are (Y/N)! Not trying to hide from the celebrations, are you now? And who's your friend here?" 

Surprisingly, Chiron was neither shocked nor panicked to see Elara. Rubbing the back of his neck, the young physician responded, "Of course not Chiron. I just... well... me and..." 

He stumbled over his words, sweat forming on his forehead. 

"So, um, me and Elara here were just off to my... uh, cabin to..." 

"Don't worry, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I imagine we've developed a trust for each other over the years, don't you think? Besides, I don't imagine I have to give you of all people the talk, if you know what I mean." 

The old centaur grinned, and (Y/N) hid himself in his hands in shame, it was like an embarrassing meet the parents situation. 

"Uh, yep, definitely not going down that alley. See you later Chiron at the celebrations."

The Son Of Asclepius, Doctor of DivinityWhere stories live. Discover now