Going Solo

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As the three demi-gods and satyr left to their cabins and sleeping quarters, Chiron grabbed (Y/N) back in for a little briefing. 

"(Y/N), you know Zeus will resent your being on the mission. There is no way to soften his rage when you leave camp borders, so I urge you to disassociate from Percy's quest as much as possible." 

"Of course. How do I get transport though? I haven't driven in the last 50 years and doubt I can pull any godly favours right now." 

The centaur stroked his beard a little before coming up with an idea. 

"I'd advise one of the pegasi. I know you haven't been the most fond of air travel, but it's the only method we have for you with such little time." 

(Y/N) nodded, responding 

"Thanks for letting me in on the quest, I understand going against Zeus' orders isn't easy." 

"Don't mention it (Y/N). You've seen so many heroes travel off beyond these camp boundaries it's only fair you got to at some point. I see greatness within you, glory and many future patients await you," smirked Chiron. 

Clapping the son of Asclepius on the back,  (Y/N) took off to his cabin. Approaching his porch, he found Annabeth on his rocker chair. 

"So, how close are you going to be whilst we're off questing?" she questioned. 

There was a never ending amount of questions spouting from this girl. 

"Close enough to make sure you're safe" he responded, patting her on the shoulder before kneeling down to her height. 

"You know, those two are really gonna need you out there. This may be Percy's quest, but it's up to you to keep them on track. You've earned your place alongside them, so act like it." 

Annabeth nodded eagerly. Bringing in the daughter of wisdom for a hug, he saw a certain son of Hermes staring at them with a pair of winged shoes in hand. Something was seriously off about him, maybe (Y/N) should run a few tests on him before leaving? Shaking his head, he stood up and watched Annabeth leave to get ready. 

Following suit, he quickly entered his cabin and began to go through his various cabinets and drawers, gathering plentiful amounts of colourful vials, medical supplies and specific miscellaneous items just in case. This was all crammed into the pockets of a medical coat, a small briefcase and a suitcase enchanted by a long-gone daughter of Hecate that could hold a seemingly infinite amount of storage. Leaving it all at his door, he finally trod over to his bed and collapsed in a heap. That night, (Y/N) dreamed of terrible things. Images of Tartarus flooded his mind, eternal suffering and damnation on the brink of sending him into madness. Luckily, Chiron's lessons weren't for nothing and he quickly dispelled the nightmares. Still, some higher force had to have penetrated his mind. Zeus thought it was below him to interfere with him whilst (Y/N) served his punishment, so something else had to be at work.

Soon enough, (Y/N) awoke, crawling out of his bed and making his way to the bathroom. Wiping the sleep out of his eyes, he brushed, flossed and showered before slipping into his work attire. Making his way to the door, he grabbed the Rod of Asclepius and his luggage, passing through the threshold and slamming his door shut behind him. It was early in the morning, Selene still visible over the horizon with Helios riding upwards. Camp was silent, the occasional sound of an owl in the distance chirping up, but other than that silence. The lake was still, the demi-gods slept and monsters were nowhere to be seen. It was moments like these that kept everything worth doing, his motivation to continue. Making his way up half-blood hill, he approached Thalia's tree and slumped down, waiting for everyone else to arrive. (Y/N) had no idea how long he sat there for, just waiting in tranquillity, the cold metal of the rod keeping him from falling asleep again under Helios' warm glowing sun. It could have been hours, minutes, any amount of time. Unfortunately, he was eventually interrupted by Chiron in his wheelchair. 

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