Prophecy and Ego

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It was as Hermes left that the conch horn rang out through the forest and the game began. Beginning his roam, the sound of an injured camper already caught his attention. A not so subtle arrow protruded from the shoulder of a not so subtle son of Ares, his aggressiveness and loud movement being the probable cause. Huntresses thrived against loud, big targets. Luckily, (Y/N) had quite a few remedy's on hand. Swiftly removing the silver projectile, he lathered the wound with a healing cream, bandaged the wound and moved on to find more who needed help in just ten seconds. Of course another cry of despair wasn't long, this time being from a huntress. They had been ensnared by a 'humane' bear trap, probably created by Beckendorf. Pulling the trap apart, he free the girls leg and took a good look. The ankle was bruised, a little bit of blood but nothing serious. A second glance at the trap revealed that it had injected her with some sort of paralysis agent. Tapping the girls leg, it went limp. 

"Hmm, unexpected but it should pass over in a minute or so. Just don't try to move your leg and you'll be fine." 

The girl grunted. Taking that as a sign to leave before she threw a rock at his head for touching her, he darted back into the foliage to look around. He made note to look into the agent Beckendorf put into the trap later. Sneaking around a while longer, nothing seemed to be happening, so he presumed a surprise attack from either side was underway, and he couldn't have been more correct. Percy was dashing straight over the creek into enemy territory with no one else realising, the hunters flag there for the taking. He slammed a lone huntress to the ground and then took off back to base. Moving to check up on the huntress, he deduced from the mumbling it was Bianca. Her dark hair was braided like Zoe's, so you could actually see her face. She had a splash of freckles across her nose, and her dark eyes vaguely reminded him of someone he once knew. She looked like she'd been working out, and her skin glowed faintly, like the other Hunters, as if she'd been taking showers in liquid moonlight. Still, she was short, so no one's perfect. 

"You all right there?" he asked. 

"Yeah, the snow cushioned my fall." 

Pulling her up, the two watched as a cord wrapped around Percy's ankle and fastened him to a pine. 

"Percy!" Thalia yelled, off somewhere to their right. "What are you doing?" 

Children of Poseidon and their chaotic nature. Thalia was making her way over to Jackson when an arrow exploded between them, spreading the stench of sulphur to the attacking group. With everyone confused and spluttering, Percy cut his bonds and began to run again. 

"Wanna take a shot?" (Y/N) offered Bianca. "I won't stop you." 

"Uhh, sure. I haven't had much training in archery, but why not." 

Taking aim, she fired a shot that hit a pine near the sprinting demi-god. 

"Here, try again." 

Moving behind the daughter of Hades, he held her hands and directed her movements. 

"Use your thumb to support the back of the arrow and keep it straight. Point your bow toward the target. With your fingers on the drawstring, raise your bow and hold it out toward the target. Your inner elbow should be parallel to the ground and the bow should always remain vertical. For accuracy, focus on the smallest part of your target and maintain that focus until the shot hits. And don't forget, breathe. Being a huntress gives you a natural advantage with the use of bow and arrows." 

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of cold winter air, she let the arrow fly. Leaving a silver trail in its wake, it hit Percy directly in the back of his head. Surprisingly, it fell to the floor instead of impaling the half-blood and killing him. 

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