Family Expansion Pack

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It took him a second for the news to impact.

"Nephew?" asked (Y/N), confused. 

"Why yes, do you... do you not know?" 

The son of Asclepius stood there oblivious. 

"Why you," she stood up and yelled a string of curses at the sky. 

When she calmed down she turned back to him, wiping the tears from her eyes and brushing down her dress. 

"Well, let's start from the beginning. Take a seat and I'll serve up some dinner, it's about time anyway." 

(Y/N) pulled up the chair on the right of Calypso's, resting his staff against the table. He ran his hands through his hair, which had all grown back since the Jason incident. They had trained privately together several times, but he was determined to get a little payback eventually. Soon enough, the daughter of Atlas had returned to the table with two bowls of beef stew. An invisible servant carrying two jugs approached the table and set them down, another passing on wooden cups. The jugs were full of apple cider and milk. (Y/N) eagerly filled his own cup with the milk. It was creamy, cold and everything milk was meant to be. 

"So," said Calypso, tucking her chair in and casting her hair behind her back, "do you know anything about our family?" 

He took his bowl of stew and blew gently on it. 

"Well, I know that my father is Asclepius and my grandfather Hermes, so on and so forth with Zeus and Kronos. But I never was told a great deal about my mother. Father told me she was the most beautiful lady in all of the Greek isles, but since he has a new wife and abandoned her so quickly I guess he didn't see all that much in her." 

Calypso nodded. "Your mother was beautiful, arguably more so than some of the gods themselves. However, it wasn't luck that she turned out so beautiful. She was my sister, a daughter of Atlas." 

(Y/N)s breath hitched at the news. His mother... a demi-titan? 

"Her mother was a mortal, but she was not. No one truly knew how she was born, as Atlas was locked up at the time, but it is believed he used the last of his great strength whilst under the sky to make your mother. He hoped she would birth a mighty warrior capable of freeing him from his burden and aiding the titans in retaking their position as rulers of the world, but instead, she bore you." 

He was a grandson of Atlas. Like Zoe, he had titan blood. Zoe... 

"So is Zoe... so was Zoe, also my aunt?" 

Calypso nodded solemnly. "Yes, as are all the sisters of the Garden of Hesperides." 

(Y/N) put his spoon down and stared into his lap. All the time he knew Zoe, and he had no idea that they were related. 

"Do... did any of them know?" 

The daughter of Atlas shook her head. "You were meant to be kept a secret by the titans, but when you were born, you resonated so much power the gods found you anyway. What happened to your mother, Hephaestus never told me, but I imagine you were stripped of her and she was forced to leave Greece for being the daughter of a titan." 

Now (Y/N) was mad. The gods took his life away, and only now was he learning about a whole other side of his family they had hidden from him? Getting up, he marched out of the cave to work off his anger. He didn't want to hurt his new aunt. On his march he sliced at trees, uprooted bushes and cracked boulders in two. He raged for what was roughly ten minutes before someone stopped him from throwing a tree across the island. Looking at the hand that stopped him, he followed it up to the face of Hephaestus.

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