Traitor on a Boat

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By the time (Y/N) was on the beach, three figures on hippocampi were already shooting off towards a huge cruise ship that was cutting across Long Island Sound, its white and-gold lights glowing against the dark water. It was sleek, elegant and reeked of evil even from a distance. Alone on the beach, with seemingly no other options, he reached into one of his pockets to produce a dark blue bottle of tablets. Water breathing, essential for a sea-based quest. Popping the lid off and swallowing one, the taste quite sweet, he put the pills back in his pocket and drew his weapons. Hopping on one foot, he (unnecessarily) front flipped into the water and began to literally run across the lake floor. Throwing his blades with incredible strength, he used the chains to hurtle himself through the water to keep up with the animals. Surprisingly, it wasn't long until he reached the ship hull, jumping up towards the surface and floating the rest of the way up. Not a single barnacle or hull scum in sight. Scraping his weapons across the hull as he ascended, the ship looked even bigger up close. The white hull was at least ten stories tall, topped with another dozen levels of decks with brightly lit balconies and portholes. The ship's name was painted just above the bow line in black letters, lit with a spotlight, the Princess Andromeda. A tragic story, best not to linger on. 

Attached to the bow was a huge masthead, a three story tall carving of Andromeda herself wearing a white Greek chiton,sculpted to look as if she were chained to the front of the ship. She was young and beautiful, with flowing black hair, but her expression was one of absolute terror. Apparently, Percy was named after her saviour, which was pretty cool. Looking around for a way to get up, he spotted a service ladder riveted to the side of the hull. Sheathing his weapons, (Y/N) began the climb up the ship. The ladder led to a maintenance deck stacked with yellow lifeboats. There was a set of locked double doors, or what would have been double locked doors if someone hadn't come by and pried them open. Sneaking through, it was evident that the ship deck was abandoned. There had to be people on the boat, but where they were is the question. There was however a trail of sea water on the floor, presumably from one of the demi-gods. He looked through several more floors before finding two rooms with closed doors, contrary to the others being open and empty. He forced one open to find Percy Jackson and Tyson, completely unconscious with the cyclops snoring and the demi-god drooling. Closing the door behind him, he entered the room next door and found the daughter of Athena, Annabeth Chase, also asleep. For once in her life, she looked at peace with herself, no Luke, no mother, and no pressure to perform. Sitting down on the bed next to her, he stroked a few strands of hair away from her face, admiring how calm she was. (Brother-sister relation, I repeat, this is a brother-sister relationship) Soon enough he left her to the realm of Morpheus and chose to scout out the ship. There were coffee machines everywhere on the ship, and an all-nighter was the norm for (Y/N). It was when he was grabbing a coffee that he saw a hint of monster presence. A roar from below deck and slight peak revealed a fully grown drakon.  Not good.

It was relatively early when a ship's whistle and a voice on the intercom- some guy with an Australian accent who sounded way too happy- rung  throughout the boat and promptly woke everyone up. 

"Good morning, passengers! We'll be at sea all day today. Excellent weather for the pool side mambo party! Don't forget million-dollar bingo in the Kraken Lounge at one o'clock, and for our special guests, disembowelling practice on the Promenade!" 

A million dollars? He didn't need it, but (Y/N) loved money like a guilty pleasure. A pet peeve of the son of Asclepius was an unplanned diet, or at least a broken one, so after hearing the demi-gods and cyclops stir in their rooms, he made his way to the buffet to grab them some food. He forgot to get something for himself, but was pretty satisfied with what he had grabbed, that being three full English breakfasts in take-away boxes. One was triple the size of the others, obviously being Tyson's. It was actually on his way back to their rooms that he bumped into them. 

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