Gods Have Weaknesses Too

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When (Y/N) rose from his unconscious state, he found himself in the Camp Half-Blood medical bay. He could feel that he hadn't been changed into a hospital gown, but there was a warm hand on his arm. 

"Elara?" he managed to croak out. 

"Sorry dear, tis only me." 

That voice... he knew that voice... Forcing his eyes open, he found himself staring at the tanned, mouth-watering, godly body that belonged to the Lord of Light. 

"What are you doing here?" he spoke hoarsely, coughing and making an attempt to grab a glass of water on the counter next to him. Apollo floated it into his hands. 

"I saw your fight with the huntress, and I must say the council is thoroughly impressed. I was there to play bus driver, but when I saw your sick form collapsed in the snow I knew I just had to help. So here we are, united once again!" 

There was a silence were (Y/N) thoroughly stared at the god before realising his true intentions. 

"Apollo, if I'm thinking of what you're thinking, it's not going to...." 

"Please!" the god burst out, fake sobbing and throwing himself into the son of Asclepius' lap. "I've tried so many times to replicate it, yet I fail every time! You're the only one out there who can do it right! I beg of you!" his voice was muffled in (Y/N)s lap, but still distressed as if he had lost a child. 

Lifting the gods head to his eye-level, he spoke with a serious tone, "We are currently in a crisis Apollo, the biggest one since the giants. We do not have time to mess around like fools. Besides, don't you have godly duties to be attending to? Looking out for the Princess Andromeda, something like that?" 

The god poured all his power into puppy eyes. 

"Please, just a little bit of fun. I know you still have the stuff, and it'll only take a couple minutes, trust me!" 

There was a staring contest for a few seconds before (Y/N) broke it. 

"If I do this, will you go away?" The god nodded eagerly. "Will you ever bother me about this again?" He shook his head. "Alright. Give me five and I'll be back." 

Shuffling out the bed, he hobbled over to the door and made his way back to his cabin. The air was cold and a gentle layer of snow had settled upon the ground. It was night once again, the beautiful stars dancing in the sky. Frost covered the chariot track and the strawberry fields. The cabins were decorated with tiny flickering lights, like Christmas lights, except they seemed to be balls of real fire. More lights glowed in the woods and one even illuminated the attic window. A school bus sat over near the lake, tinged with flame but also soaking wet. 

"Stupid god" the son of Asclepius muttered to himself as he passed by. 

Combat medic or not, (Y/N)s main priority was and will always be the safety of others. As he walked the pain present in his back, chest and legs began to gradually fade away. The lingering taste of a delicious broth inhabited his mouth and it was a welcome one. By the time he arrived back at his cabin, he felt just as good the day before. Opening the door (it was always unlocked, a security flaw he had to admit), he was suddenly jumped by a smaller statured creature that leapt into his arms. 

"Welcome home!" beamed Elara, peppering his face in kisses. "I've missssssed you!" 

"Me too, my love." 

Dropping from his body, she began to worriedly examine his body. 

"Oh, but I heard you got injured! A huntresssssss wasssssssn't it? I'll flay her for that..." 

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