Prepare for War because Rome is

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The following morning he rose at the crack of dawn. He had the privilege of sleeping in a set of private quarters owned by the praetors. He had a few things in mind to do that day. The first was to contact Elara. She probably didn't know of his whereabouts, so that was something to clear up. Producing a drachma from one of his pockets, he entered the bathroom and set up a misty rainbow with what he could find. Tossing the coin into it, he said "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Elara at Camp Half-Blood." Shapes shifted in the rainbow, and soon enough there was Elara, wrapped up in bed.  Her tongue slithered as she slept.

"Morning beautiful," said the son of Asclepius. The dracaena rose up, yawning and stretching her arms. She wore one of (Y/N)s doctors coats.

"Good morning my physsssssician. Ssssssince you're not besssssside me in thisssss wonderful bed, where are you? Percy, Annabeth and Grover have returned but no one knowssssss where you are. And what happened to your hair? Why are you in armour?"

He looked down at himself. Somehow he had fallen asleep with the armour on and hadn't noticed. 

"Just a little tussle dear. And my whereabouts, well, that's the thing you see. Olympus has sent me to a place I can't exactly talk about. A secret, if you will. I'm going to be spending every other month here, so don't expect me back any time soon. Don't tell the others though, I cannot stress how much this has to be hidden."

"Of coursssssse dear. You can be my Perssssssephone."

"Huh, that isn't wrong. Anyway, I'll keep in contact with you. Shame we're forced apart once more. I do miss you here."

"Don't worry my doctor. I think a ssssssuitable compensssssssation though would be a masssssssage when you do get back though. For now, Sssssssilena isssssss a great company. Lotsssssss of 'girly acitivitiesssss' we are yet to indulge in according to her."

"As long as you're ok. And yes, a massage for you anytime. I'm pretty sure I still got some Persian creams around... Anyway, try not to eat anyone whilst I'm gone. Bye!"

Waving good-bye, the image disappeared, the last thing he saw was her flashing him. His face erupted into mad blushing. The things she did to him. Getting ready for the day, he washed, brushed and did a few minutes of yoga. Combing the remnants of his hair, he left the suite. Next thing on his list of activities was to talk to the praetors about the war situation. Praetorian quarters were near his, guarded by praetorian guards donning obsidian black armour. Before he went to the building though, he looked over New Rome and Camp Jupiter before him. So quiet and peaceful, everyone asleep and a view just as good as the one from Thalia's ex-tree. Moving onto the praetorian quarters, he stared at the guard before him. He had a talent for knowing peoples conditions, illness and measurements if he put a little effort into it.  The guards before him were six foot two and six foot three respectively, yet he still towered over them too. He must have been seven foot at the minimum. They moved aside without question for him, and he pushed the doors open. Inside was a great hall that led in two directions, presumably one for each praetor. Next to the entrance however was a staircase leading to a second floor. As he walked up, he admired the art and architecture. The birth of Venus, Augustus of Prima Porta and the Gladiator Mosaic to name a few decorated the hall and walls. At the top of the stairs he found two doors, both with the names of the praetors on two plaques. Knocking on Abel's, the door opened to reveal the praetor, also in armour with his purple cloak and short (in comparison to him). 

"Ahh, (Y/N). What brings you here?"

"Well, I'm here to hear about how New Rome is prepared to fight, what's the plan set in place. I've seen the titan fighting force and need to know how well equipped New Rome is."

The Son Of Asclepius, Doctor of DivinityWhere stories live. Discover now