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    "MALIK, please calm dow—" she was cut off, her head flinging to the side, knocking her off balance as she fell into the side of the bedroom dresser.

She covered herself, the large male crouching over her, a beer in his left hand as he stared down at her. He took a swing before kissing his teeth.

"Get up," his accent heavily coating his English. "This instant Anami."

"P-Please don't hit me again, okay?" She whispered softly, putting her shaky hands down as he opened her eyes as best as she could — one swollen shut and the other on it's way.

He tilted his head. "Are you telling me what to do?"

"Wha—" she quickly shook her head, "No, I would never Malik." Once she was standing, she continued to look down at his feet, knowing he felt eye contact from her was disrespectful.

"You think I'm an imbecile? Huh?" Malik moved away from her, sitting on the bed. "You are still in contact with that—that—" He huffed, "That black man?!"

Anami bit down on her busted lip. It would have been painful but this was the second busted lip she'd endured this month—she was used to the sharp throbbing feeling by now.

"I-I just wanted him to know—I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it wasn't like you think."

"Oh," he laughed, "So, I'm a liar? You—" he pointed the beer towards her, "Are calling me—" he pointed to himself, "A liar?"

She didn't know how to respond, stumped. Anything she said would be used against her. He had a way of twisting every word to accommodate himself.

She took her time, eyes flickering everywhere in the expensive bedroom, except for her husband. She avoided her husband at all costs.

"I would never." Anami whispered, "I just—"

"Your father won't be pleased to hear this."

She quickly snapped her head up to him, Anami giving him pleading eyes, shaking her head. She quickly walked up towards him until she kneeled down in front of him, hands clenched together.

"Please, Malik!" She pleaded, "please please please don't tell him. I-I'll do better. I won't contact him again."

Malik stared down at her as he slowly raised the glass of Corona, taking a small swig. She looked pitiful to him. Just as he liked it.

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