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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

KAORI GROANED FOR THE THIRD time before glancing over at Anami who paid him no mind, glasses slipping down her face as she frantically flipped through her text book. She had a test in two days but he desperately wanted to be up under her, so she allowed him over as long as he promised not to be distraction.

He was growing bored though. He missed his baby. He invited her over two hours ago, and all he got was a simple kiss on the cheek and a couple of glances. Other than that—radio silence.

"I been thinking bout killing myself," Kaori called out.

Anami hummed, still typing on her computer, "Oh okay. That's nice baby."

He smacked his lips and stood up, stretching his arms. Her head was so far in the books and he was getting sleepy. They were supposed to be having a sleepover, and it was going on 9:00 at night. Unc' was tired.

Walking into his bedroom, Kaori stripped down to his boxers before climbing into bed. He plugged his phone onto the charger and turned on the TV. Reaching over on the nightstand, he grabbed the rolling tray and it's accessories, beginning to get his last smoke in for the night.

He broke apart the bud before dropping it into the grinder. Closing the top, he ground the weed up, twisting his wrist quickly. He didn't bother to glance up when the door was opening.

"Are you really going to kill yourself? Why?"

Kaori smacked his lips, ignoring her as he continued to grind his weed up, counting in his head backwards 10 to 1.

"Kaori, hello? Did you hear me?" Anami questioned. Her hair was thrown up into a bun and she wore nothing but his T-shirt on, nothing underneath.

"I heard you, ma."

"So, why did you not answer?" She pouted, making her way over to him. She sat beside him and laid her head on his shoulder, watching as he began to empty the weed out on the tray.

"Ain't you spose ta be studying? Gon head," he shook her off his shoulder gently, in his feelings a little bit.

He understood she had to study, but damn? Tuning him out and shit was unnecessary as hell. And she'd been at it for hours—no breaks. Barely even to get up and use the bathroom. Much less speak a few words to him.

"Are you mad at me?" She tilted her head, "Because I hate when you're mad at me. Actually, why are you mad at me?"

He couldn't stop himself from chuckling, rolling his eyes once she smiled. "I ain't mad at you. I miss you."

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