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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

ANAMI SAT IN CLASS, but she wasn't focused at all. Instead, she was nose deep in her phone, a goofy smile on her face as she continued to text Kaori back.

That's all the who had been doing. Day and night. FaceTime after FaceTime. Text after text. They were so enthralled with one another.

I'm outside waiting for you.

With food?🙈🥹🥹

KayKay💕 typing...

She glanced from her phone towards the board, seeing that the teacher was almost done with the lesson. The lesson that she was paying zero attention to. She frowned, beginning to put her phone down until it buzzed.

ofc ma ma.

She cheesed and sat her phone down, unaware of the two hateful glares she was getting from the other side of the classroom.

Finishing up her notes, Anami waited patiently until the professor ended the class before she was happily packing her things up, knowing Kaori was waiting for her on the other side of the door.

"Don't forget that this project is due Next Week!" The professor called out, most students ignoring him.

She packed up her iPad and notebook into her pink MCM bag, beginning to stand up and make her way out when the isle was blocked.

"Oh—Um, hi," She smiled at London, "I need to get through." She pointed past her and towards the door.

London and the girl beside her scoffed. "Girl, drop the act. You ain't nun' like the rest of these other bitches out here. See somebody is called for and still take it upon yourself to go after them."

Anami furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about? I'm confused."

"Now this bitch wanna play dumb," the girl beside London spoke.

"You ain't no damn confused. Kaori was mine! And still is actually."

"Kaori is your what?" Anami tilted her head.

"She tryna get smart?" London looked at her friend before smacking her lips, "My man, bitch. Kaori is my man. And always will be."

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