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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

ANAMI SAT NERVOUSLY IN THE auditorium, eyes flickering towards the large crowds. She frowned once she noticed how everyone had friends...and she didn't.

Sure, she was new. But—it just reminded her that she wasn't from here. She was from North Carolina, that's where all her friends were. And here she was all the way in Texas, sticking out like a sore thumb.

The whole auditorium was not only filled with freshman, but sophomores and juniors as well. Seniors supposedly had their own time slot.

"Welcome or Welcome Back!" Was placed on the large auditorium boards in front of the seats. Many rows of students conversing with one another, the large room filled with voices of many different kinds.

Bored, and kind of sad, she tapped the screen of her phone, glancing at the small number of notifications on the homepage.

De'Arra 2min ago
Hey boo. Did you make it?
Horace's friend is a sophomore. He's gonna walk you to class. I figured you wouldn't know where to go. He should be walking in shortly. Go stand at the door so he can find you.

Bubba 5 min ago
Hello. Are you in class.

Bubba 4 min ago
Praise to Allah for blessing you with a chance of higher education. The first college graduate!

Bubba 4 min ago
In class?

Bubba 3 min ago
Call me.

Anami debated on whether or not to respond to her father. She sighed and typed a quick message letting him know she would call him once orientation was over.

Standing up, she slid her phone in the back pocket of her khaki skirt, thighs jiggling slightly as she walked down the steps, many eyes glancing and staring at her.

Making her way to the door, Anami walked out, head on a swivel as she tried to look around for the slightly familiar face.

Her eyes locked into a tall figure who had a pencil tucked behind his ear. He wore a white T-Shirt, arms littered in tattoos. A diamond chain laid against his upper chest gently. Diamond earrings in his ear. His dreads slightly fell into his face, flopping ever so slightly with each walk. Grey sweatpants on his person and white air forces on his feet.

She watched as he talked to a short female, standing at around 5'0 if that. She was pretty. Dark skin. A tight summer dress on her frame with Tory Burch sandals and curly hair to frame her face.

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