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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

ANAMI ROLLED HER EYES FOR THE umpteenth time. She continued to walk the freshman door, lugging her bags behind her, her dad in her ear as he continued to practically harass her over the phone.

"And the dorms are not co-ed correct?" He stammered, "I do hope I won't have to catch any flights up there, Anami Alejandra."

"No Baba," she sighed, "I go to an all girls school, remember? The all boys school is down the street but I won't be going there."

Her dad hummed softly. "And who is your roommate? Is she—black?"

Anami began to grit her teeth again. And if she was? She thought to herself.

"I don't know yet, Baba. I haven't walked in my dorm room yet. What if she is black? Why is that a pro—"

She was cut off when her dad began to speak over her. "I don't want you frolicking around with their kind. Their women are fast and whores. You are there for studies. Not to be led around by some...hoe."

She needed to find a way to get off the phone with her father—and fast. She was beginning to grow irritated with his old, bigoted thinking.

"Baba, I found my dorm. I'm really tired from the flight. Can I call you when I settle in and wake up?...please?"

Her father huffed and hung up the phone. Irritated with her as well. So what he had questions. Paying for some expensive all girls private school, he deserved to have all his questions answered. Thats fine. He would call back in another thirty minutes to continue until satisfied.

Once Anami arrived at her door, she grasped the key fob and placed it onto the scanner. It dinged, flashing a faint green color before a lock was heard and she was able to push the door open.

"Hello?" She called out softly, looking around the living room area slightly.

It was decorated already. Soft pinks, faint teal and white colors around the living room and kitchen. Some photos around the dorm, not many.

Noticing nobody was here, she closed the door gently behind her. Letting her bags rest against the wall. Taking her phone out, she checked the time. It was around 5:00. She landed earlier but had a hard time navigating the city, so used to back home.

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