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The following night, August observed her target...or assignment from the roof of the old mall. Josephine and her girlfriend were seemingly being held captive alongside former Avenger, Clint Barton.

This was certainly one of her more interesting jobs and not just because it involved stepping outside of her expertise.

August was a highly trained individual it was very rare that anyone would actually catch her off guard.

In fact, she was hyperaware of the fact that she was not alone on the roof. She could hear the lightly treading footsteps approaching from behind her.

It was probable that the individual approaching her was a man.

A man that had received some form of injury to his leg, as he had a definitive limp.

August had one of two options in this situation. She could fight the man and ultimately win by exploiting his weakness in his leg or she could let him win and hopefully get an easy ticket into the abandoned mall.

An arm wrapped around her neck, lightly pressing a blade against her throat. August's heart rate picked up ever so slightly.

"I got you now, bro."

She took a breath reaching up and grabbing onto the arm holding the blade against her throat while simultaneously targeting the man's bad leg with her own.

Her foot came down heavily on his own causing the grip on his knife to loosen. The second she had enough space she spun out away from him.

"Do you though, bro?" She taunted, waiting for him to make the next move.

For a few seconds neither of them moved. The man was clearly weighing his options.

The wind whistled, blowing sharply through August's jacket. Her patience ran thin, so she punched the man, catching him entirely off guard and then swung herself around his neck flipping him onto his back.

The sound of crackling glass made her eyes grow wide. The man who was groaning in pain on his back didn't even notice.

There wasn't enough time for August to move before the large skylight shattered sending them both falling.

The wind was knocked out of August upon impact with the ground.

Everyone in the room turned, facing the loud sound.

"She gots me good, bro." The man on the floor groaned.

August forced herself into a seated position finally  meeting the eyes of the people looking at her.

Josephine, Kate, and Clint were being bound to a couple of old mall rides and the other members of the Tracksuit Mafia were seemingly sitting around.

"You know her?" The man who was nearest to Clint questioned.

A hint of recognition flickered in Clint's eyes, "I know of her."

August masked her expression but was very curious as to how Clint Barton knew of her. Two of the Tracksuits approached her on grabbing each of her arms.

They hoisted her to her feet and practically drug her to a chair, binding her wrists with duct tape. August let out a huff of air, slightly annoyed by the situation she ended up in.

Sunlight flooded the dusty room and August still had yet to gather any new information. Mechanical music hummed from the old mall rides as they swayed back and forth.

August was slowly being driven crazy by the repetitive tune but was thankful that she wasn't also bound to one of the rides.

Finally the annoying tune came to a halt and two of the men declared boredom and started to play cards.

Where You Left Me; M. Lopez (REVAMP)Where stories live. Discover now