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Despite the deep feeling of conflict that had settled into August's gut, she was on her way to Eleanor Bishop's Christmas Party.

The woman's dress was just enough to be considered fancy and blend with the crowd and she supposed the same went for Yelena, not that her friend had made an appearance yet.

The assignment that Valentina gave her was making her feel quite nervous. Which was not the typical response she would feel however, Maya had grown up with Kazi.

So even if August had never particularly liked Kazi, Maya cared about him.

And August? Well she cared about Maya.

"Can I take your coat for you?"

August shook her head, "I'm okay, thank you though." She brushed by the man, her eyes finally landing on her blonde best friend.

"Lena," August reached her side.

"Hey," Yelena forced a small smile, glancing at her friend's outfit, "That should be fun to fight in."

August scoffed, "I didn't have time to find anything else."

A bullet pierced through one of the huge glass windows that Barton was standing near. A few panicked sounds erupted from different areas of the party.

"Showtime, I guess." August spoke, looking over at Yelena who smiled in response.

The two of them snuck through the panicked crowd and to the elevators. Yelena pressed the button, and August leaned against the wall.

"So, I know you're chummy with my mom, but I gotta say, I didn't think you'd make the cut for the Christmas Party." Kate Bishop spoke rounding the corner and confronting the two of them.

"Hey tweedle Dee where's tweedle Dum?" August arched an eyebrow at the brunette.

"Funny." Kate glared.

"We're not here to ruin anything." Yelena dismissed, "I'm just going to kill Barton, have some appetizers, and then we'll go."

"Well, I hope the two of you enjoy the bruschetta, 'cause it looks like you lost him." Kate stated.

Yelena gave Kate a deadpanned look, "He's in the elevator."

"Yeah but what, out of 65 floors, you think you're just gonna magically guess which one he's on?"

The elevator dinged, the number 12 appearing on the screen, "Twelfth floor."

"Damn it." Kate cursed under her breath.

"Enjoy the party." Yelena stated as the elevator doors slid open.

August stepped inside, Yelena only steps behind her. Kate also moved the join them but Yelena gave her a gentle shove.

"No, Kate stay."

The brunette slid through the doors at the last second and Yelena let out an annoyed, "Ah!"

"Did you think  Tweedle Dee over here was going to make things easy?" August asked with a small teasing smile.

The situation might've been funny if it didn't have to do with their jobs. In fact, August liked Kate, she appreciated the determination and loyalty.

The twenty-two year old reached out to hit another button but Yelena slapped her hand away, "No."

When she reached again, Yelena spun her the entire way around causing her to knock into August.

The third time Kate reached for the buttons Yelena swung her down to the floor before pulling her back up.

And Kate slapped her.

Where You Left Me; M. Lopez (REVAMP)Where stories live. Discover now