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There was time when Maya could read August better than anyone, because she knew her better than anyone.

August trusted her with everything, Maya was the only living person who knew August's entire story.

Now the two only stood a couple feet apart, and Maya couldn't even get a read on her.

August had so much to say, and yet nothing at all.

In her mind, Maya did not deserve her words.

For a few moments neither of them moved, and then a small frown tugged at August's lips. She lowered her gun, "I'm not here for you, Maya. I'm just trying to do my job."

Maya didn't even lower her weapon to respond. All she gave August was a slight nod, before she turned her back.

A breath escaped August's lips before she returned to the task at hand. She lifted her gun back up in front of her and circled the back of the old mall.

August's heart thudded rapidly in her chest as she snuck up behind Kazi. She wasn't there to kill anyone, so she simply used the tail end of her gun to knock him unconscious.

August offered the two women a small smile, "Hi."

She flipped a knife open and cut through the duct tape binding both of their wrists.

"Who are you exactly?" Josephine asked, her eyes narrowed while she stretched out her wrists.

"Someone who's saving both of your asses?" August arched an eyebrow at the two.

Kazi groaned from the floor, and August sighed, "What are you two waiting for?"

Josephine and Kate did not waste another second before getting off of the little kid rides and jumping into the action.

The woman had to admit that Clint's skill level was quite impressive. Arrows whisked in every direction hitting members of the Tracksuit Mafia exactly where they needed to.

August's skills are all taken from other people, as she is trained to mirror the person she's fighting.

Although she never was very good with a bow, she'd have to work on that the next time she had time off.

When Kazi finally made it back to his feet, August wasted no time before punching him. Just as she was about to get another hit in, Kate swept him up with an old grocery cart.

"My hearing aid is smashed," Clint noted, meeting the three women in the center of the room, "Come on, we've gotta go."

"But that girl still has my bow," Kate pointed out, as the four of them made their way to the building's exit.

"We need a car," Clint noted.

August followed him to one of the cars as Kate stopped short, "Can we take this one? Man, this thing's beautiful."

"I'm not smashing a 72 Challenger, come on." Clint shook his head in disbelief.

"This is where we part ways," August spoke up, ensuring that she was facing Clint so he could somewhat make out what she was saying, "I'll be in touch. It was nice somewhat formerly meeting you, Barton. Tasha talked very highly of you."

When Josephine thought August was out of ear shot she spoke, "Tasha? Like Natasha Romanoff? Who the hell is that girl?"

August turned over her shoulder, stealing one last glance at the building. Part of her wanted to catch one last glimpse of Maya, but the other part of her knew better.

She started up her motorcycle and drove away. August knew that it was time to go.

"Lena, are you here?" August called out as she walked through the front door of their shared apartment.

Yelena's response fell muffled, "In the kitchen!"

August made her way into the kitchen and then leaned against the counter, "I'm having a crisis."

Yelena turned to face her, "That cut on your forehead might need stitches. You hungry?"

She cracked a small smile, "Eh, a little."

"So, what happened?" Yelena asked, sliding a peanut butter sandwich to her friend.

August took a small bite of the sandwich before returning to the conversation at hand, "Remember when I told you about Maya?"

Yelena and August had not known each other very long when Maya was first brought into conversation. In fact, at that time the only thing they had in common was a shared love of Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha had been a mentor of sorts to August, keeping her expertise away from the wrong kind of people.

Yelena's nose wrinkled up slightly, "If I ever see her, I am gonna fight her. Simple as that."

A small laugh escaped August's lips, "I appreciate you, Lena."

The brunette's smile fell as she spoke up again, "I saw her today...when I was doing the recruiting job for Valentina."


Yelena understood that this was a serious conversation by the hurt that passed across August's face as she spoke.

"She was wearing the fucking ring." August shook her head, "And to make things worse. She just— she walked away."

"Oh my god." Yelena's eyes widened, "I'm going to kill her, that's not fair to you at all. Not after the way things ended between you two."

"Yelena, you are not going to kill her." August spoke pointedly.

"Fine," Yelena sighed, "I'll just get a few good whacks in?"

August rolled her eyes, "You're very protective."

"You're my family. Of course, I'm protective." Yelena stated, not even thinking twice about her words.

August smiled, "You think of me like family?"

Yelena chuckled at the smile that crossed August's features, "Of course I do, you idiot."

"So who are you recruiting anyway?" Yelena asked after a couple of moments.

"A former widow, her name's Josephine," August answered.

"Oh, that sucks for you," Yelena noted.

"What? Why?"

"She has her heart set on a normal life," Yelena shrugged, "And she's in love."

That might have been why Valentina was insistent on August being the one to recruit her. She and Josephine had a lot in common.

"I know," August sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I would've been impossible to recruit when Maya and I were together."

Yelena offered her a small sympathetic smile, "I'm sure you'll figure something out. I mean you are a real pro."

August scoffed, "Yeah, at being an assassin, not a recruiter."

There was a twinge of disdain for herself in the words she spoke. Almost as though August was disappointed in her own actions and abilities.

"Andrew never wanted this for me," she sighed, no longer looking at Yelena, "he just wanted me to have a normal life."

Andrew did not necessarily want her to be normal, he just wanted her to be happy. Either way, August was unsure that she would have made him proud.

"But you're not normal, August," Yelena spoke softly, "I think...I think that he would understand that you're doing the best you can."

"Thanks, Lena."

Where You Left Me; M. Lopez (REVAMP)Where stories live. Discover now