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AUGUST — Five Months Later

"Maya, you really need stitches," August noted, as they stood between the two semi-trucks.

Maya shook her head, "No time. We have to go."

August sighed knowing that the other woman was right. They did have to go, they were not far enough away yet.

Maya began to wrap the bandage around her wound and August gently touched her arm, "Let me."

She nodded in agreement, and August gently began wrapping the wound. Maya's lips remained clamped together in pain.

"Alright. Let's get out of here." August winked, which lead to her receiving a playful eye roll from Maya.

August could feel her muscles beginning to ache, they had been on this motorcycle for far too long. The sun had set what felt like hours ago, they had to be getting close as they had passed the Oklahoma sign around dusk.

Maya had insisted on driving the whole way there but that took a turn for the worse when they almost collided with the back of a semi truck.

August clutched on to Maya a bit tighter after that. The second that they pulled up to their final destination August stepped off the bike, stretching out her legs.

Maya didn't say anything but lead the way to the front door. The woman flinched slightly as she leaned down plucking a key from in between two bricks. She glanced around cautiously, before entering the home.

August knew they were both exhausted, so she refrained from asking Maya many questions.

"Can I see?"

Maya sighed, but turned to face the woman showing the very opened wound. August's eyebrows pinched together, it looked really bad.

"Do you have any first aid kits around here?" August signed, her eyes briefly flickering back down to the wound.

Wordlessly, Maya walked away, entering what August assumed to be a bathroom. After a few moments she peaked her head out, "Better light in here."

August nodded, walking down the hallway and meeting Maya in the bathroom. Maya handed her  what she had managed to find.

"Please tell me this isn't dental floss."

A small smile flickered on Maya's lips, "Wish I could."

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch." August noted, threading the floss onto the safety pin.

"Trust me, I know."

Following August's attempt to half-hazardously stitch Maya up with dental floss. The two finally had a chance to get some rest.

Maya practically fell asleep within seconds of lying down on the couch. Which August was honestly a bit jealous of.

She hadn't been sleeping, not very much anyway. Usually when August had trouble sleeping it was because she did not entirely trust the other person.

Maya used to be her safe place, it seemed like the from the second they met she could trust her. Things changed after the breakup and her brain still had not caught up with the fact that August could trust her.

August did eventually fall asleep, but not for that long.

Sun poured into the room through the sheer curtains as August's eyes fluttered open, she glanced over to where Maya was now sitting upright, clearly having just woken up.

Maya's eyes flickered over to her, a small smile tugging at her lips at the sleepy look on August's face.

"Morning," August signed, as her eyes adjusted to the light.

Maya smiled, the smiled slowly faded as her eyes moved to the picture frame that sat on the table beside her. She picked it up thoughtfully looking at it.

That was until a shadow danced across the mostly sheer curtain. Maya practically jumped up, lifting the gun out in front of her.

August's guard also went up, suddenly very awake. She reached for her own gun, clicking the safety off.

"I've got your back." August signed and Maya nodded.

They quietly rounded the corner to the door, making sure to stay out of sight. The door knob jiggled a bit before a knife slid through, August narrowed her eyes.

Clearly this individual was not very skilled at breaking and entering. When the door began to open Maya shoved it back, knocking the person down.

The two of them swiftly made it through the door and on to the porch. The man let out a pained groan, "Ow! What the heck? If my grandma finds out someone is squatting here there's going to be hell to pay."

August arched an eyebrow at the man, he was wearing these orange shorts and a tank top. Maya lowered her weapon but August wasn't quite convinced yet, she kept it raised slightly.

"Maya?" The man signed as he spoke, shock filling his tone, "It's me, Biscuits! Oh my god!" He laughed, pulling her into a hug.

August's eyebrows remained raised as she tucked away her gun. August leaned against the door watching the two of them interact, "You look the same...after 20 years. How long are you in town?"

"Not long." Maya answered, her eyes briefly flickered back to August. Which cause Buscuits to turn around.

"And who's this?" He asked with a smile.

Maya also smiled a bit, causing a tiny one to form on her face.

"August," she introduced herself, a bit awkwardly.

The man smiled, "Nice to meet you, August."

A dog barked from the bed of his truck, he shushed it, but began speaking to Maya again, "That's Billy-Jack."

August had to admit the dog was very cute. It almost made her miss Yelena's dog...well maybe a bit more than almost.

He faced the dog, "This is Maya! She's our cousins. She's good people. Yes, I know. She's busy. New York. Huge."

Maya motioned to the truck, "Is this yours?"

"Oh, the truck? No no no, that's Grandma's." Biscuits shook his head, "Come here, I wanna show you around."

While Biscuits was still turned around Maya reached for August's hand, gently letting go a couple of seconds later.

August looked around the garden as Biscuits continued to speak, "I wish I knew you were coming."

"I'm here for a business thing. In and out." Maya explained, then glancing at August.

"Look, I want you to keep quiet about this," Maya started, "No one needs to know I'm here."

"If Grandma asks me—"

"Whatever." Maya cut him off, "Just do what you can to keep this between us."

Biscuits nodded, "Understood. Good to see you, cousin." He smiled.

Maya nodded, beginning to walk away and August of course followed her.

"He seemed...sweet." August signed as the two of them re-entered the house.

Maya nodded, "He is."

August brushed a strand of Maya's hair out of her face, "Are you ok? I know your family is...complicated."

Maya gently smiled at her, "I'm ok, the month." She added at the end with a teasing smile.

August frowned giving her shoulder a gentle shove, "Why are you making fun of me." She whined.

"I was not," she claimed, the teasing smile never leaving her lips. Maya leaned in gently connecting their lips and August smiled into the kiss.

August pulled back after a few seconds, "Come on, Lopez, we have things to do." She noted with a laugh.

"Ok, ok."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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