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August was wide awake staring at the ceiling not thinking about anything in particular. She glanced to her left where Kala was sleeping peacefully.

Her phone buzzed from Kala's nightstand, a soft sigh escaped August lips as she checked her phone.

It was a message from Yelena.

I could use a bit of help if you're up for it.

Followed by a pinged location.

August rubbed her forehead, contemplating for a few seconds before ultimately deciding that she would be a good friend.

She quietly stood up from Kala's bed and slid her shirt back over her head before slowly collecting the rest of her scattered clothing.

August thought about leaving the barista a note or something but ultimately decided that it was probably a one time thing.

She pulled her hair back into a sort of sloppy braid and stole one last glance around the apartment, verifying that she wasn't forgetting anything.

"You're really gonna leave in the middle of the night without saying anything?" Kala stood in the doorway of the room, her tone slightly judgmental.

"In my defense you did say, casual. I assumed it was a one time thing and my best friend basically texted me an S.O.S. message, so—"

"You're cute when you ramble," Kala smiled, "And yes, I said casual but that doesn't necessarily mean a one time thing."

The blue haired girl approached August so that the two were only inches apart, "Maybe we can do this again sometime?"

August leaned forward connecting their lips, "Could be fun," she breathed.

"Here," Kala handed August her phone, "type in your number, I'll be in touch."

"Okay," August nodded, accepting the phone.

In a couple of seconds she handed the phone back to Kala, "I really do have to go though."

"I know," Kala nodded accepting the phone, "I'll see you later, ok?"

August nodded, picking her jacket back up and sliding it on over her shoulders.

"You don't look super prepared to be here," Yelena teased, as her best friend approached her.

"I didn't have time to stop at the apartment." August scoffed, "Plus I have stuff in this bag, I just need to change."

Yelena quirked an eyebrow at her, "Where were you?"

" a friend's?"

"Oh my gosh," Yelena looked at her, "Who?"

August pressed her lips together, "You know the barista with the curly blue hair?"

Yelena's mouth fell open, "You were spending the night with the blue haired barista?"

"Shut it, Lena." August threatened, "I'm here to help you, so—"

"Yeah, yeah," Yelena shook her head.

August turned around to change into her suit, "So, what exactly is it that I'm here to help you with."

"Well there's three of them and one of me." Yelena stated, "I wouldn't want to be outnumbered."

"Who are they that you can't hold your own?" August asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

Yelena gasped, "If I had to I would definitely hold my own, I just want some emotional support from my best friend."

"Ok, are you going to tell me what's really going on here?" August asked, her tone slightly more gentle.

Where You Left Me; M. Lopez (REVAMP)Where stories live. Discover now