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August for once in the past a couple of days, had an uneventful day. She had briefly met Kala for coffee, the two of them discussed going out later that night but nothing was set in stone.

The woman had also contacted her boss to let her know that Josephine had agreed to take the job.

That was it though, her day had been almost normal.

The closest she had gotten to normal in months.

That was until a knock on her door changed the entire course of her evening. August begrudgingly got off the couch and made her way to the door, peaking through the peephole into the hallway.

Anger flared up in her chest the second she realized who it was. She opened the door and immediately began to sign, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Maya's stern stare crumpled, tears forming in her eyes and then flowing down her cheeks.

August's glare faltered, worry briefly crossing her face, "What's going on Maya?"

Maya shook her head, stepping into the apartment and August didn't stop her.

"The man—who claimed to all this time." Maya's signing was a bit wobbly, as tears continued to slip down her face.

"He sent Ronin to kill my father."

Realization washed over August, "Oh Maya," she whispered gently wrapping her arms around the woman.

Despite August's hesitance to have anything to do with Maya, she couldn't help but to be there. What was she supposed to do, just turn her away after she found about something like that.

A couple of seconds later August broke the hug, "I'm so sorry."

"How could he do something like that?"

August sighed, "Sometimes people aren't what you expect or know them to be."

Maya's eyes dropped to the floor, she wondered if she was in a way that person to August.

August gently tapped her arm, signaling for the woman to look at her, "I know it isn't my place to say this...but you need to be careful. This man, is clearly a very dangerous individual."

Maya rolled her eyes, "I can handle myself, perfectly fine."

August tilted her head, her eyebrows tugging together a blood seeped through the shoulder of Maya's shirt.

"You're hurt," August pointed out.

Maya shrugged, "I'm okay, it's not that bad."

The other woman shook her head, heading for the kitchen of the small apartment. She knelt down by one of the cabinets pulling out a first aid kit.

Maya shook her head, "I'm fine, August."

"Sure," August shrugged, "But you won't be if that gets infected. At least let me clean it."

Maya frowned, "Fine,"

She pulled the black long-sleeved shirt overhead revealing a white camisole, that had several red stains forming on its fabric.

August's breath caught in her throat for a few seconds as she gently began to clean the re-opened arrow wound on the other woman's shoulder.

It was the most vulnerable the two had been around each other since their relationship ended. It was strange how you could fall into a sense of comfort purely based on memories.

Maya flinched slightly, and August mouthed an apology. The wound wasn't as bad as she initially thought.

"Good news is it shouldn't need stitches," August smiled sympathetically.

Maya raised an eyebrow at her, "I told you I was fine."

August shook her head, Maya always was freaking stubborn. In all fairness though, so was she.

The two made quite the couple when they were together. Natasha always joked that August was double the trouble when Maya was around.

"Do you think you'll ever be able to trust me again?"

August sucked in a breath, she wasn't expecting a question like that, not that night at least.


The woman shook her head, "Never mind, forget I asked."

August looked away from Maya, she understood what the other woman was asking, she just didn't know the answer. She hoped she could learn to trust Maya again...but that wasn't something she was very good at in the first place.

"I should go...this—this was a mistake but I didn't know who else to talk to." Maya signed.

August frowned, "You're going to confront him...aren't you?"

Despite their time apart, August still seemed to know Maya almost as well as she knew herself.

Maya swallowed, "Yeah, I have a plan."

"Just—just don't be reckless, ok?" August signed.

A very small smile crossed Maya's face, "I'll try not to be, the month."

August rolled her eyes, of course the silly nickname would make a come back even after all that time.

She guessed that it was Maya's way of telling her that things were getting better between them, or at least starting to.

Then Maya left August in the apartment alone.

August's phone rang, "Valentina?"

The phone was quiet for a couple of beats, "Great work on the Bryne Girl, August."

August rolled her eyes, Valentina never just called to say 'good job'

It was usually followed by here's another assignment for you, or you left too much of a mess on the last one.

"Thanks." She noted dryly, "So what's the real reason behind this call?"

"I have one more target for you before your brief holiday break."

August pulled her hair up, "Who?"

"Kazi Kazimierczak."

August sucked in a breath, despite the fact that she had only met the man once or twice and never particularly liked him, Maya cared about him.

"Why?" August questioned, which typically didn't do.

"The Lopez woman turned her back on them, which leaves Kazi as the Tracksuits leader. Without a leader they fall apart and it's one less gang we have to worry about later."

August pressed her lips together thinking for a couple of seconds, "Fine. I'll take care of it."

You could practically hear Valentina's smile, "Good. I'm sending the information over now."


A bit of a cliffhanger there...

Things are getting good!! Many more August and Maya moments to come!


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