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"You're going to Kate's apartment, aren't you?" August arched an eyebrow at her best friend.

She knew Yelena's tactics better than anyone.

"Yep. Wanna come, it could be fun?" Yelena invited her with a smile.

The two hadn't gotten much of a chance to work together in the past few months. Despite the fact that they made a really good team, Valentina seemed to be keeping them on separate assignments.

"I would—but I should probably do some damage control for my recruit." August sighed.

Yelena nodded, "Yeah, Valentina might just kill you if you don't fix that."

The brunette nodded, "Yeah...see you at home?"

Yelena nodded, before the two split up. August's head ached, she had hit it pretty hard multiple times during the fight.

Between that and the constant thoughts about her ex running through her mind, she was not enjoying her walk to the diner that she presumed she would find Josephine in.

She released a sigh of relief when she spotted Josephine Bryne through the diner window. August opened the door causing the small bell above it to ring out.

Her boots clicked against the tile as she approached the woman's table, "Can I sit?"

Josephine's eyes flickered up from the mug of coffee she had seemingly been staring at, "I guess," she mumbled.

August slid into the booth across from Josephine, and the other woman tapped her fingers against the sides of her coffee mug.

"I'm sorry about tonight," August spoke up, just as a waitress approached their table.

August really was sorry about the way things ended up going for the other girl, she really was routing for things to work out between Josephine and Kate.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Just a coffee," August smiled politely.

"I'll be right back with that," the waitress smiled.

"Thank you,"

August turned back to Josephine, "I'm going to tell you something, that you cannot repeat, got it?"

Josephine narrowed her eyes at the woman, "Is it explanation for what happened tonight?"

August nodded, and the waitress set down a mug of coffee and a couple of creamers in front of her. She offered the woman a thankful smile just before she walked away.

"Clint Barton isn't who you and Kate think it is." August informed, "He killed Yelena's sister."

It was unclear whether or not this fact surprised Josephine. August had known Natasha personally, and she always spoke very highly of her best friend, so she had been fairly surprised to find out what happened.

Josephine shrugged, "Ok? You've probably killed all sorts of people's siblings."

August sighed crushing the package of creamer that she had just poured into her cup, "Yelena's sister is Natasha Romanoff."

The avenger had saved August in a way, given her a chance to make a normal decent life for herself. Unfortunately with the death of August's relationship came the death of that chance.

"Oh," Josephine's eyes dropped back to the table, "I get it now..."

A few beats of silence passed between the two, "Tell your boss, I'm in." Josephine said quietly.

August's eyes grew wide, "What?"

She had been totally surprised by the slightly younger woman's agreement. August thought she had totally ruined all the progress she had made. You'd think a fight like that one would make Josephine think twice about ever joining.

"Kate isn't ever going to understand me, and why I make the choices that I do." Josephine explained, "Why should I keep running from my past, I should be running towards something. You said that this team is working for the better of people, so I'm in."

August gave her a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry about Kate."

Josephine shrugged, "It was bound to happen at some point, can't run forever."

"I'll let my boss know that you're in." August stated, "Welcome to the team, Jo."

Josephine forced a small smile, "Thanks, August."

She took a sip of the warm coffee, "I should probably get going,"

August was tired, she could have stuck around a bit longer, or at least offered Josephine a place to stay for the night. However, she selfishly just wanted to go home and collapse on the couch with shitty tv.

Josephine nodded, "Well I assume you'll be in touch."

"Yup, talk soon, Jo." August nodded, dropping a few crumpled up bills on to the table.

When August arrived back to her apartment she slipped a couple of ibuprofen between her lips and laid on the couch.

For the first time since she had met Yelena that night, she looked at her phone. There was a message from Kala, which caused a very small smile to pull at August's lips.

'coffee date tomorrow? you know the place ;)

August sent a quick message in reply, agreeing to meet the woman. She was getting pretty good at this whole moving on thing...maybe.

If she was really getting good at it, would she be mentally take note of that?

August shook her head at herself, and Yelena's dog came prancing over, "Hi," she smiled at the animal.

"What do you think I should do?" August scratched the dog's ears.

Of course the dog just looked at her, "I mean Kala is very sweet, but why can't I stop thinking about Maya?"

Yelena's dog laid down next to her with a sigh, and August smiled, "You're right, I just need to let things be. I'll go out with Kala tomorrow and the whole Maya thing will pass."

August switched on the tv, mindlessly flipping through the channels. She pulled off the ice pack that was resting on her shoulder as she felt the exhaustion creeping in.

It had been a long night.


Kind of a filler chapter but that's ok, it's about to get good! More Maya and August content coming soon!

—Via <3

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