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"Hi there," August greeted as Josephine rounded the corner, gun in hand.

"Jesus Christ," Josephine exclaimed, "I could've killed you."

August rolled her eyes, "I seriously doubt that."

Josephine lowered her gun, but her guard was still clearly up. The other woman simply sat in the chair completely unbothered.

"If you're here to see Clint, he's not here right now." Josephine explained.

August shook her head, "I'm here to see you, Josephine."

The slightly younger woman crossed her arms, "Why?"

"I know quite a lot about you Miss Bryne," August spoke carefully, "But since you don't know anything about me, let me introduce myself."

Josephine didn't say anything but rather studied the woman carefully.

"My name is August King, but more commonly referred to in the business world as the Shadow." She spoke, a twinge of sarcasm in her voice as she leaned forward in her chair.

A flicker of recognition caught on Josephine's features.

"So you've heard of me then?" August inquired.

"I'd say," Josephine quipped, "You were pretty famous around the Red Room, Dreykov really wanted you under his control."

August scoffed, "I'm sure he did, a lot of people wanted that."

Josephine shifted her weight from one foot to the other, "Not to be rude or anything, but I would prefer to know what you want from me before my girlfriend or my girlfriend's hero return."

August cracked a small smile, "I'm here to recruit you."

"Recruit me?" Josephine's eyebrows shot upward, "For what?"

She shrugged, "A job. My boss is forming a sort of team, I guess you could call it."

"Why would I want a job?" Josephine quipped, finally sitting down.

"No one wants a job," August stated, "My boss told me to mention something about paying off student loans."

Josephine sighed, and August continued, "I hear you're studying to be an anthropologist. Quite interesting."

"What does this job entail?" Josephine asked quietly, although she was fairly certain that she knew the answer.

"Don't worry you have the skill set." August stated, "The pay is pretty damn good too, you would have the loans paid a lot more quickly than with any sort of regular job."

Josephine rolled her eyes, "Plenty of people have to pay student loans."

"Look, Josephine—"

"I'd prefer it if you'd call me Jo."

"Ok," August smiled, "Look Jo, I know what it's like. You and I are really similar."

Josephine met August's eyes to verify that she was at least telling the truth.

"This job, which is eventually going to be a team," she paused, "It's not like the places we came from."

Josephine could tell she was telling the truth or at least that's what August honestly believed.

"Look August," Josephine spoke up, "I have a life and I'm happy. I have Kate, I have school—"

"Just," August cut her off, "Just think about it."

Where You Left Me; M. Lopez (REVAMP)Where stories live. Discover now