Chapter 12

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"Move it, girl, let the master take over," Mr Andrews said as I added another pancake to the reject pile.

"I told you I can't make pancakes," I said. I was always too impatient and flipped them early so they didn't fully cook, or I forced myself to wait to flip them and ended up burning the pancakes.

"I'll remember that for next time," Mr Andrews muttered, eyeing the remaining batter. "I think I can stretch the rest of this to be enough."

"Work your magic then, we need more coffee anyway." With everything nearly ready, we froze at the sound of the front door opening.

"Vegas!" Mr Andrews exclaimed, leaning down to pet the dog who ran into the kitchen before looking at me. "Archie..." he trailed off, hurrying to the hall. I followed behind him more slowly.

"Hey, Dad," I heard Archie say.

I watched silently as the two hugged, Archie pulling back in pain.

"What? What's wrong, son?" Mr Andrews asked, worriedly.

"It's a long story," Archie answered.

"I'll get started on some more pancake batter," I said, turning back to the kitchen. "Welcome home, by the way."

"You're not cooking them though, they need to actually be edible," Mr Andrews called out.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled the ingredients back out. "Yeah, yeah. I'll leave that part to you." Once ready, I set the bowl aside to wait for Mr Andrews and started more eggs and bacon. Those, I can cook no problem.

Before long the two came back downstairs, Archie taking a seat at the island. "I know I've been gone a while, but uh, what exactly is going on here?"

"This," I said, gesturing to the stovetop, "is called making breakfast."

"I meant, why are you making breakfast in my house, Abigail?" with a small smile.

Mr Andrews glanced over his shoulder at Archie. "She's moved into the extra room. And is helping me out at work, handling the paperwork and paying bills for me so I can be out there with the crews."

"We'd have let you know, but you know, no one had a way to get in touch with you," I said softly.

Archie nodded in agreement. "No, it's fine. I'm glad my dad wasn't here alone," he said. I noticed his eyes had a slightly lost look, but that was to be expected considering he'd been living alone in a cabin for the past few months. And something had obviously happened, given how he'd reacted when Mr Andrews hugged him earlier.

I started taking things to the dining room table, Mr Andrews insisting that Archie relax when he stood to help. Once we were all seated at the table, Archie told us about his time in Canada, telling his tale between bites.

"I don't remember the rangers finding me. I woke up in the hospital knowing that I couldn't keep running," he finished. "It was time to come home, back to a normal life, if that's even possible."

"What about Hiram?" Mr Andrews asked, watching Archie over his coffee cup.

"I survived a bear attack, Dad," he replied. "I can't live in fear of when he might come after me anymore. To be honest, I'm more worried about him gunning for you. Both of you, now. He's going to go after anyone close to me," he added with a glance towards me.

"I survived the Black Hood. Twice," Mr Andrews said. "Hiram doesn't scare me."

I nodded in agreement. "He's not the only one in this town with friends. You've still got the Bulldogs, and the Serpents have your back too."

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