Chapter 2

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"A party. Seriously?"

"It's not a party, it's the opening night of Veronica Lodge's speakeasy," I said.

"Call it what you will, it's still a party," Hunter replied, pulling up in front of Pop's.

"I thought speakeasies were supposed to be hidden," Dakota said from my other side.

He was right. Cars were lined up in front of the diner, valets running around between them. I couldn't help noticing the collection of motorcycles off to the side. When Jughead had brought the invitations, he'd told me some of the Serpents had been hired to serve drinks, while others would be here as guests.

"The place is owned by a Lodge, what do you expect?" I asked.

"You don't think Hiram Lodge himself will be here, do you?" Dakota asked from my other side.

"I doubt it. From what FP has told me, he and Veronica aren't on the best of terms. And if she's already shown him those photos of the jingle jangle lab, they're definitely not going to be close. Now, will one of you move or did we get dressed up to sit in the truck all night?"

I waited while they got out, helping me down. The place had a strict dress code, which meant none of us were in our usual jeans. But I had to admit, we did look pretty good. The three of us filed into Pop's, Dakota handing over the invitations to Mantle.

"Shall we, boys?" I asked. Hunter and Dakota offered me an arm, as we made our way down the steps to the basement. A few people turned to look, but interest quickly passed. I smiled to myself. So far, this was going as planned, Mantle hadn't recognized me, and neither had anyone else. I was just a forgotten face with two strangers.

"I'll go get us some drinks," Hunter said.

Dakota and I found an unoccupied area against the wall to wait. I had to admit, the place did look good. So did everyone. I watched the smiling crowd before me, former friends laughing and dancing with one another. Would they still be laughing once word spread that I was there?

"Relax, Abi," Dakota said, looking down at me. "If nothing else, we're the hottest couple here tonight." I couldn't help laughing, my mood lifted instantly.

"Hey now, I'm included in that, right?" Hunter asked, handing us each a glass. "Sorry, mocktails only. Not that you need to be drinking anyway,with the meds you're on" he added, looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my drink. "It's not like you were going to let me drive home anyway."

"I thought you were going to be a little more discreet coming in here," Jughead hissed at the three of us, pushing his way through the crowd.

"We came in through the entrance and have been wallflowers since we got here. How much more discreet could we be?" I asked.

Jughead sighed. "I'm sorry, you're right. But you come in looking like...that," he said, gesturing to my dress, "with a guy on each arm. You got the attention of half the people here."

"Jug? Jug?" I heard Betty calling. I waited for her to find her way over. "Veronica was just asking where–Oh, my God, Abigail? Is it really you?" she asked, clearly shocked. Guess Jughead hadn't told her.

"No, it's the Ghost of Christmas Past," I replied.

"Have you seen everyone yet? A few people were saying they thought they saw you," Betty gushed.

"Betty, calm down a little," Jughead said, smiling at his girlfriend. "Guess the cat's out of the bag now, if people are already talking."

I finished off my drink before answering. "Not quite. You see, that's the magic of being dead. People don't believe I'm really here. They see me and keep moving on, brush it off as a figment of the imagination if they do recognize my face."

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