Chapter 31

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"It's an old hole-in-the-wall boxing gym, near Sweetwater Docks," Jughead said. "Archie and Betty are over there right now cleaning the place up."

"It starts at dusk?" I asked. "Why couldn't you have picked a real time of day?"

Jughead sighed. "Because it fits with the whole Gryphons and Gargoyles theme. And I've already printed out all these quests with that printed on them."

"This better work out the way we're planning," I said, crossing the room to join Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"Are these all places you've already checked out?" Sweet Pea asked, looking up from the paper he was holding.

"Most of them," I replied. "We haven't had time to hit them all yet."

"Are you coming with us?" Fangs asked hopefully. "We never get to do anything like this together anymore."

"No, I unfortunately have to help get things ready for tonight," I sighed. "I got out of having to clean out that old Gargoyle lair, but now I have to clean up an abandoned gym. Who knows what we're going to find there."

Jughead got everyones attention before giving the little speech he'd prepared, letting everyone know what the plan was. I leaned my head against Sweet Pea's chest, half listening to Jughead.

"What about these masks?" Sweet Pea asked, gesturing to the box of gargoyle masks on the table when Jughead was done.

"Wear 'em," Jughead answered. "Remember, the goal is to try and convince them that this quest came directly from the Gargoyle King.

"We're on it," someone said as the Serpents began grabbing masks.

"And there's one more thing. It's kind of personal" Jughead called out, quieting everyone again. "These aren't just gaming hot spots. They were hubs for Hiram's Fizzle Rocks trade. I've heard a rumor that a new player is moving in to restart it. I want you guys to suss any information that you can discreetly. And if you find anything, I want you to come to me and only me. Okay?"

Sweet Pea looked down at me questioningly. "Betty told him," I said quietly. "I don't think he wants to believe it though."

"We'll find out what we can," Sweet Pea said, leaning down kiss me quickly. "Let's go."

A little while later, the four of us waited in the empty gym, Archie in the ring warming up. "Maybe we didn't allow enough time for word to get around?" Betty thought aloud. "Maybe they didn't believe that it was actually coming from the–"

She cut off as the doors slammed open. "I'm here for the Red Paladin," a man dressed like a wanna-be super villain declared loudly, holding up a quest card. Behind him, more people poured into the gym, many dressed in costumes that ranged from elaborate ensembles to looking like they were pieced together with whatever was on hand.

"Well, looks like word got around," I said, glancing up at Archie.

The crowd filled the bleachers, shouting to be heard over one another. Jughead paced the length of one side of the ring, turning to the waiting crowd. "Challengers, welcome to the Iron Mountain. Approach this hallowed battleground, submit your 'Kill the Red Paladin' card, bring the Paladin to his knees in under three minutes, and your quest is won. However, should you run out of time, should you fall to the Paladin's hand, then your quest is over. Is that understood? Then let's go!"

The first challenger turned in his card to Betty before climbing into the ring. Fortunately, he didn't last long, Archie knocking him down in less than a minute.

"Who's next?" Jughead called as the man drug himself from the ring.

The second challenger lasted longer, very nearly bringing Archie down several times. It was only after the man bit down on Archie's shoulder, drawing blood, that Archie was able to get a hit in, knocking his opponent out.

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