Chapter 48

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The gym was full of students, many wearing masks in an attempt to fit with the theme. It was almost laughable how cliche the whole scene was, with the balloon decorations and an actual bowl of punch on a table in the corner.

"I wonder how many people have already spiked the punch," I said to no one in particular. Sweet Pea and I were standing near the wall with a small group of Serpents and Poisons before it was time for everyone to be in position.

"With Coach Kleats standing guard? None, I'll say," a Poison said.

I looked at her. She wasn't a former Serpent, so she must have been someone Cheryl handpicked for her gang. "Then explain to me why the level hasn't dropped and Coach Kleats hasn't refilled it once."

"It's gotta be the ice melting," someone else said.

"Nice try, but the bowl is sitting in the ice," I replied.

We all watched as a steady stream of people fill their cups, the level in the punch bowl lowering slightly. "That guy," the Poison pointed. "The one with the jester hat. He's been over there more than anyone else." Sure enough, the punch rose as he casually stirred the spoon around.

"Well, if this Gargoyle King plan is a bust, at least we'll have a bunch of drunk high schoolers locked in a gym," I said. "Something entertaining has to come from that at least."

The others laughed as I looked up at Sweet Pea who was standing behind me. "I'm surprised you didn't see him," I said. "What happened to watching for 'anyone suspicious'?"

"Why should I be worried about the punch bowl? It's on the other side of the room."

"True. And it would be too obvious of a place for anyone to hang around," I replied, leaning back against him.

We stayed there, talking with the Serpents and Poisons until it was getting closer to time for the announcement of Prom King and Queen. "I'm going to check on the others, make sure everyone's in place," I said. Sweet Pea let me go reluctantly, but he knew that I was the only one who knew who the Gargoyles were. Jughead and I had agreed on where they would be posted, but that was it.

Passing another group with a small nod, I stopped by the voting table where Peaches was, chewing her gum as usual. "Betty still running unopposed?"

She nodded, barely glancing at me. "Turnout's been pretty lackluster. You wanna vote? Last chance."

"After checking all those boxes on the fake ballots? No thanks."

I continued circling the gym, passing members of all three gangs. So far, everything was going as planned, everyone in place and Betty's nomination ensured.

"Abigail," someone said, grabbing hold of my arm.

"What the hell, Lockwood?" I hissed, pulling my arm free. "I thought we'd agreed not to contact each other directly."

"Yeah, and I thought Blondie was supposed to stay here in the gym so she could accept her crown."

I looked around quickly, not seeing anyone important. "What are you talking about? I just saw her at the refreshment table."

"No, she just walked out those doors," Lockwood said, nodding towards a set of unarmed doors. "She looked nervous, kept checking over her shoulder as she walked."

I swore under my breath, spotting a Serpent and Poison causally making their way over. Most likely the two that should have already been in position. "Act normal and stick to the plan," I ordered, quickly letting myself out into the hall.

The school was nearly silent as I walked slowly down the hall, trying to figure out where Betty had gone and why. Even she wouldn't do something so stupid as to pick now to use the restroom. And that wouldn't explain why Lockwood had said she looked nervous about leaving the gym.

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