Chapter 29

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"What's FP doing here?" Fangs asked.

Sweet Pea sighed as I pulled away from him. "Sorry, but I left my crystal ball at home," I said sarcastically. "Looks like I won't be reading anyone's minds today."

"You're pretty good at reading my mind all the time," Sweet Pea said with a smirk.

"Man, I thought you two were bad when you first got together," Fangs groaned. He grabbed hold of my foot as I went to kick him, and I pulled the other one up with it. "Make yourself comfortable, why don't you?"

"I already did," I said with a smile. How could I not be though? I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap with his arms around me and my feet in our best friend's lap. "What happened to you and Keller? Last I saw, you two were getting pretty close."

Fangs looked down at his hands, sighing. "We were. But uh, he's been spending more time with Evelyn and the rest of the Farmies recently."

"Yeah, I noticed that," I said, thinking back to the other day in the Blue and Gold with Betty. "Promise me you won't even consider joining that cult," I said to Sweet Pea.

"I swear, I won't join them," Sweet Pea said with a small smile. "But Fangs here wants me to join him in the school musical coming up this year."

"Aww, look at the two of you, showing some school spirit," I teased.

"Whatever. At least we still go to school here, unlike you," Fangs retorted.

"Wait, you don't go here?" Colton asked. I'd forgotten he and Landon sitting on the couch across from us.

Fangs and Sweet Pea shook their heads. "Nope," I replied.

"How did you two not know that?" Sweet Pea asked. "You've been following Abigail around the past few days when she's not with us."

Colton shrugged. "I don't know, we just kind of assumed she was skipping class."

"I did do that a lot," I acknowledged. "But no, I didn't finish last year and have no plans to come back."

"Then why are you here so often?" Landon asked.

"Someone has to keep these two in line, and I suppose you as well now," I said. "And Jughead wants me at all the meetings of the Swords and Serpents now."

"Speaking of, we should get there," Fangs said, pushing my feet off his lap. "I'm telling Jones it's your fault if we're late."

I raised an eyebrow at him as I stood. "How would it be my fault? One of you should have been watching the time."

"We just got here, we thought you knew it was almost time to go," Colton protested.

"How was I supposed to go anywhere with you sitting on me?" Sweet Pea asked, standing behind me.

"I didn't hear you complaining," I said, looking up at him.

"Oh, God, don't start again with that," Fangs groaned, causing us all to laugh as we walked down the hall.

In the classroom, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and I took seats in the back of the room, away from Kurtz who was in the front row, glaring at FP. Colton and Landon stayed nearby, making it clear they were aligned with us before Kurtz.

"I know what this is about," I said quietly, looking at Jughead. So much for the heads up he was going to be giving me about when we were doing this.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Kurtz spat out, not taking his eyes off FP.

"I made the invitation," Jughead answered.

"Why?" Sweet Pea asked.

Jughead glanced at his father before answering. "Kurtz boasted that the Serpents need him more than he needs us. I disagree. But one thing is true, the Serpents are rudderless. We lack identity and focus." Sweet Pea and Fangs both gave me questioning looks but I stayed silent, letting Jughead have his dramatic reveal. "We're better and stronger when we're task-focused. That's why, with the help of my father, Serpent Emeritus, we've come up with a plan to deputize the Serpents. To become partners with the Riverdale Sheriff's office."

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