Chapter 38

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The two men leaned against the bars of their cells, one coming down off his high while the other continued to foam at the mouth, eyes wild and unfocused. FP had warned Jughead and I to stay away from them, as if we'd even want to get close.

"So we now have three confirmed bad reactions," I said, examining the package FP had picked up at Pop's. "The guy from the Maple Club, the guy from Pop's, and the chick at Riverdale High. There are likely more who are just afraid to come forward, either afraid to admit they ate the candy or afraid of another town-wide quarantine."

"It's gotta be a bad batch," Jughead suggested. "One that causes Fizzle Rocks psychosis."

"Or the Fizzle Rocks are being cut with something. Bath salts, maybe. They have similar symptoms." There had to be a reason for the G stamped on the back. Was it a warning for the Gargoyles that it was a bad batch? Or was the Gladys getting jealous of Kurtz taking all the credit for the drugs?

FP sighed, taking the packet back from me. "We need to catch whoever's dealing this garbage before someone turns up dead."

"Looks like our john is almost ready to talk," Jughead said, drawing everyone's attention to the first man brought in. He was sagging against the bars now while the other junkie still looked like he was auditioning for a part in a zombie movie.

A short time later "Martin" sat across from the three of us in the small interrogation room, Jughead taking the lead immediately. "What does it mean?" he demanded, throwing the Fizzle Rocks packet on the table.

Martin looked down at the G stamped on the back and back up with a small shrug. "The G is for Gargoyle, I think," he said.

"Which Gargoyle?" Jughead pressed.

"Is there anyone in particular?" I asked, thinking of one name in particular.

Martin shook his head. "This time it was a guy named Kurtz."

"Do you have any idea where Kurtz is now?" Jughead asked, not taking his eyes off the man across the table from him.

"How should I know?" Martin replied casually.

I sighed, seeing he wouldn't be much help. According to my contacts, Fizzle Rocks sales had been dropping off among the Gargoyles, many of them resorting to more common drugs found easily in other towns.

FP stood, gesturing for Jughead and I to follow him out into the hall. "Kurtz is the cook, and he's selling too. But we need the kingpin," he said quietly. I ignored the warning look Jughead shot me, I wasn't about to spill that secret. "I'm gonna pay Hiram Lodge a visit. Tell your mom I'll be home late."

"I'm gonna reach out to my contacts, see what they can tell me about this new G and the bad reactions," I said, turning down the hall. Someone had to know something, even if they weren't getting the drugs from Kurtz anymore. I took the back exit, leaning back against the brick wall as I sent a few quick texts, setting up meetings with some of my Gargoyles.

The door swung open letting Jughead out. I sighed, sliding my phone back into my pocket as he came to a stop across the alleyway from me, arms crossed. "What, Jones?" I asked.

"You think the G stands for something other than Gargoyle," he said.

I nodded. "I thought that was kind of obvious. You heard FP, he's on his way to talk to Lodge. Does that mean we're talking to Gladys?"

"She's our best option. Unless you've already learned something from those mystery contacts you have."

"Not yet," I replied. "Need a ride back to the house?"

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