Chapter 17

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We could hear a few people beginning to move about the camp but neither of us moved from where we were. My head rested on Sweet Pea's chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I wish we could stay here, just like this all day," I said, looking up at him.

"Who says we can't?" he replied with a small smile.

I reached up, pressing my lips against his softly, pulling back a moment later, the dull ache in my side I'd grown accustomed to worsening rapidly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I just moved the wrong way," I said, trying not to let on how bad it really was.

"Don't lie to me Abigail," Sweet Pea pleaded, pulling on a pair of pants. "You have one of the highest pain tolerances I've ever seen but you're hurting right now. I'm gonna get you something to help."

Before I could say anything he was out of the tent, the cool early morning air taking his place. I forced myself to sit up, pulling on one of Sweet Pea's tshirts before dropping back on the bed, hand on my side. I never did understand why people did that. It's not like putting your hand over the pain actually does anything to help. Within minutes Sweet Pea was back, a bottle of water and aspirin in hand. I took the pills quickly, laying back once more.

"How bad is it?" Sweet Pea asked softly. I didn't answer, sliding the shirt up to reveal the scar I'd carefully kept hidden from him. His eyes widened in shock, his fingers lightly tracing the edges.

"It was Malachai," I whispered. "Malachai and his bat, the one with all the nails sticking out all over the place."

Sweet Pea pulled the shirt back down, pulling me into his arms as he laid beside me once more. "Abigail, you don't have to do this," he said softly.

My eyes were burning as I fought the urge to cry. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. I had to go on. "He broke a few ribs, fucked up basically everything on my left side. I must have blacked out after that. The next thing I remember is being facedown in the dirt, some Ghoulie carving their symbol into my back over my Serpent tattoo." Sweet Pea's body tensed, but he didn't say anything, letting me get it out. "The Ghoulies beat me bad after that and left me for dead."

I couldn't hold the tears back anymore, and I curled into Sweet Pea. "I'm so sorry, Abigail. I had no idea it was that bad. I should have been there for you," he said, holding me tightly as I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry," I whispered once I was calm again. "I shouldn't have ruined our morning like that."

Sweet Pea sighed, kissing the top of my head. "You didn't ruin anything," he said gently. "You said you'd tell me what happened when the time was right, and that just happened to be this morning. I love you so much Abigail, you have no idea. And knowing everything you've been through, seeing you continue to laugh and smile every day despite all that just makes me love you even more. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. I still can't believe you're my girl."

I couldn't help smiling as I looked up at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "I love you too, Sweet Pea. I don't know what I've done to deserve you."

We continued to lay there, more people waking up and moving around the camp than before. Reaching over, I dug my phone out of the pile of clothes next to us. "What time is it?" I asked, dropping my phone. "My battery's dead."

"Early enough that no one is coming to bother us," Sweet Pea replied. "How are you feeling now?"

"I really hope you didn't just jinx it. Better though, it's back to the usual level of soreness."

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