Chapter 51

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I sat next to Archie, Jughead and Veronica across from us, on the other side of the booth. For once, no one, not even Jughead was hungry, the plate of food in front of him sitting untouched.

"Someone left mine at the door," Archie said, breaking the silence.

"Mine too," Jughead said. "My dad or Jellybean could have found it."

"They left mine in the truck," I added.

"Mine was waiting for me downstairs, at the speakeasy," Veronica said.

"Are we sure they're not fakes?" Archie asked. We'd all been thinking it, he was only the first to say it out loud.

I shook my head slowly. "I don't think so. Do you think Betty got one too?"

All eyes turned to Jughead. "I've been trying her at the Farm, but she's not answering."

"The invitations say not to tell anyone and not to bring our phones,"Archie said, trying to change the subject.

"Without our phones, we can't be tracked," I said. "No way for anyone to find us."

Veronica sighed, looking down at the table in front of her. "So it's a trap."

"Was there ever a doubt?" Jughead questioned. "We don't really have a choice."

We all looked at one another, coming to a silent agreement. Jughead pulled out his phone, trying Betty one more time with still no luck. I reluctantly handed my phone to Veronica who took it downstairs along with her own, Archie's, and Jughead's.

I knew I couldn't call Sweet Pea or text him. There's no way he'd be willing to go along with this, or let me go without him. Whatever tonight held was going to be dangerous, I knew that. But there was no backing out now.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Veronica asked, reappearing beside the booth.

We nodded, filing out of the diner after her. Somehow we all knew to meet at the Pembrook, boxes in hand, to change into our new clothes. Seeing the boys in suits and Veronica and I in ballgowns, I couldn't help wondering how everything fit so perfectly. It was as if everything had been tailored just for us, nothing too tight or too loose.

No one spoke as we drove to the Blossom's hunting lodge where Penelope Blossom wasted no time ushering us into the dining room. As if we were there for a dinner party, place cards were set at five of the seats. Circling the table to find mine, I saw Betty's name but not the blonde herself.

"Everyone, please, eat," Penelope urged from her place at the head of the table. "Don't let your food grow cold." She was the only one who did so. The rest of us sat with our hands folded in our laps. An older woman stood in the corner, watching us with a dark look on her face. There was something familiar about her, but I couldn't place her.

A door closed upstairs and we all turned at the sound of heels on the hardwood floor. "Guys," Betty said softly, looking down at us from the top of the stairs.

"Elizabeth. Pretty," Penelope cooed, smiling up at her. "Good evening. Come and join us, why don't you?"

"Penelope. What...what is this place?" Betty stuttered, slowly coming down the stairs.

Penelope waved an arm dramatically. "This is the Blossom Hunting Lodge on the grounds of Thornhill."

Betty then asked the question we'd all been wanting the answer to. "How did I get here?"

"I bought you from Mr Evernever, just as he was about to cut you into butcher's parts." Penelope said patiently, continuing to eat as if this were all normal. "Now, Agatha here will show you to your place."

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