Her world episode 31 | Part 1

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Dedicated to: HereinNowhere2

This was supposed to be a smutty chapter but I got emotional. Next chapter is pure smut, all my sunshines this is one is for you.

Watch this edit:

The next chapter is for my 18+ readers. Love you❤️

Her eyes were brown. Brown like soil saturated with water that sticks on shoes if you step in it. Brown like a tree trunk in one of those never-ending forests you read about in stories, ones that are humid and make your hair stick to the back of your neck and the sides of your face after wandering. Brown like two cups of milk-less coffee sitting next to each other on a wooden table top. Brown like the coffee they had a moment ago.

And they were his. His to look into, get lost into. Or switch between the two quickly while they try to catch the hazel of his, those were also hers. The hazel eyes of his followed the brown ones of hers, as they lightened with her every word.

Her lips are reddish and pouty, and can be beautiful either closed in silence or stretched with glee. They always match her eyes, and show him what her eyes cannot. They can whisper, they can demand- and with the matching tone, make him melt all over again.

When she demands, he always wants to listen.

Her bitter words, her hate for him suffocated him. She always seemed to have an effect on him, on his mind on his heart and his entire being. He had never taken shit from anyone, he had never listened to someone like he listened to her.

Her every word was laced with emotion, her every demand was for her own protection, he could see the vulnerability in her eyes and the strength in her words.

A woman so weak yet so strong.

He had a dominating side in him, he hated when people imposed their wills and words on him. But with Meerab he wanted to get down on his knees and listen to her every plea. Fulfill her every wish, bring her the world, his heart would start aching whenever he saw her cry.

Tears of women never brought out the softer side in him, Haya had cried in front of him and her tears only infuriated him. But with Meerab, his heart ached whenever she said she would leave him. She had drawn him into her world, slowly capturing his heart leaving him defenceless.

He had entered her heart's territory, her world was different from him. He listened to Meerab so that he could imagine her, enter her world, but in the end the listening exposed him even more than it exposed her. He realised the world he lived in was weak, made of plastic, there were no emotions just rules. Her world felt real, as he entered it slowly, he felt the warmth, the love, the emotions he had never felt before. He knew he was an intruder in her world, unwelcomed, but Murtasim couldn't help but want to make memories of his own in it. From her world, he started viewing everything differently, it's actually funny how his imagination changed from this point, he forgot his own beliefs and reimagined the world in hers.

What he viewed as weakness was strength in her eyes... and now he could understand why. The fire in his heart, the constant hollowness, all of it disappeared when she smiled. That smile of hers filled the scars of his heart, so when she smiled he couldn't look away.

As if deep in thought, she directed those love filled eyes towards him. Her smile and eyes speaking to him better than her words had ever. And like a poet she whispered his name, "Murtasim..."

The time stopped as he looked at his wife, her romantic side leaving him breathless. Her lips parted as her eyebrows danced with every word, "I think it's too late".

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