tere bin-1 (TW: MR)

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It was raining heavily, the clouds were angry as a door closed with a thud. They were happy when they entered the room but now a war took place. Everything was forgotten, love, humanity and their relationship as they wrecked each other with words.

Then a slap.

She said something as an angry silence streched, the man look at her in disbelief and walked towards the door his stride packed with power and anger, the woman thought he was going to walk away, she wished.

Love was forgotten as she heard a clicking sound, she was trapped in with the man she loved. The man whose eyes were unrecognisable, as he breathed angrily. He walked towards her slowly as if cornering a prey, she clutched the bed pole knowing he wouldn't harm her as she maintained eye contact.

Her anger was gone, because she had slapped him, she had vented her anger out.

But he was angry, as he clutched her hand as if she was flimsy doll and pulled her towards him. He wasn't upset, he was silent, his silence scaring her. He was terrifyingly silent, he brought her face to closer to his face and gazed at her, looking for something.

She backed away, his eyes scaring her, this wasn't her Murtasim, this was an angry man. A man about to destory her, Meerab quickly got up and held her dupatta running away as she reached ghe door a body collided with her, she was trapped against the door.

Her breath coming in gasps as she, begged ,"No". He didn't say anything his hands rustling with her clothes his eyes bloodshot as if he was possessed. This wasn't her Murtasim, the man who listened to her every wish.

As the lightning struck and the room was shrouded in an eerie silence, Murtasim and Meerab stood locked in a battle of wills. The anger in Murtasim's eyes was palpable, and Meerab's heart raced with fear and regret. She knew she had crossed a line.

Murtasim's grip on her hand tightened, and he slowly walked towards her, his gaze unwavering. His voice, barely above a whisper, carried an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. "You think a slap can erase what's been said, Meerab?"

Meerab's anger had dissipated, replaced by a sense of vulnerability. She maintained eye contact, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm sorry, Murtasim."

Murtasim's silence continued, and he released her hand, leaving her trembling. He turned to the drawer, searching for something. As he retrieved the paper that had sparked the conflict, Meerab gasped, understanding his implication.

He tore the paper into shreds, his eyes never leaving Meerab's face. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming. She backed away, fear coursing through her. This wasn't the loving Murtasim she knew; this was a stranger, a man capable of destruction.

Desperation in her voice, Meerab tried to escape, but before she could reach the door, Murtasim's body collided with hers, pinning her against it. She was trapped, her breath coming in gasps, her voice pleading, "No, Murtasim, please!"

Murtasim didn't respond with words; his hands moved roughly, rustling with her clothes. His eyes were bloodshot, and it felt as though he were possessed by a powerful rage. Meerab realized with dread that this was the side of him she had been warned about - the intimidating feudal lord, not the loving man she thought she knew.

The lightning outside illuminated the room, revealing the destruction of two souls, two hearts broken, and a relationship teetering on the brink of irreparable damage.

"Murtasim this isn't you", she said as he dragged her to the bed, his eyes now had a hint of anguish as he crushed her soul.


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