dirty dirty boy- buttons snapped open

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His button snap opens, and he asks her to sew it, but Meerab lies that she lost the scissors
(I was wilding last night literally typed this in a gc💀)

She brought her teeth at the end of thread, he held his breath as she tore it with her incisors. Their eyes made contact, his dazed hypnotic eyes were on her, and she forgot to breathe. She looked at those chapped lips and had the urge to caress it with her fingers biting her own in anticipation. Her fingers slowly circled his neck, and she felt his arms around her waist, "I want to tear your shirt apart, all the buttons,", Meerab whispered making him smirk, "You have to sew it back."he teased.

Meerab smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she felt the heat radiate from his body. "Is that so?" She whispered, her voice barely audible. Her fingers traced patterns down his chest, feeling the tension in his muscles beneath the fabric.

"I don't mind a bit of sewing," she said, leaning in closer. "But first, let's see if you can handle a little destruction."

His grip tightened around her waist, and she felt his breath quicken against her skin. Her heart raced as she let her fingers work on the first button, deliberately slow, savouring the moment. One button popped open, then another, until the shirt hung loose, barely clinging to his broad shoulders.

He watched her intently, eyes dark with desire. "I hope you're ready for this," he murmured before his hands moved, swift and decisive. Buttons flew, scattering across the room as his shirt tore open.

She gasped, not from shock, but from the sheer intensity of the moment. His hands were on her now, firm and urgent, and she felt the electricity between them crackle and spark.

His fingers traced the curve of her spine, igniting sparks along the way. She pressed closer, seeking refuge in the heat of his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat.

She slipped one leg over his lap, straddling him, and he grasped her waist tight. Her soft lips felt brilliant, slightly parted to invite his tongue in. She tangled her fingers into his soft hair, making him moan. Meerab bit his bottom lip gently, and he let out a sound halfway between, and oh! and a moan that might have been cute if it wasn't so goddamn sexy.

When he finally broke apart, she planted kisses up his jaw. Just as she reached a sensitive spot by his ear, he began to buck. Slowly at first, then building up speed as his cock hardened rapidly beneath her. With a swivel of her hips, his erection was wedged between her legs.


She gyrated her hips, easily sliding her wet pussy up and down across his thick erection. Murtasim's eyes fluttered shut as he groaned with pleasure. His broad hand moved down her ass and between her legs. Arching her back, she pressed her clit into his cock, allowing him to slip one long finger into her. With his other hand still tangled in her hair, Murtasim gently guided her chin up and marked her exposed neck with a love bite.

In an instant her eyes shot open as lightning bolts coursed through her body. He had curled his finger and stimulated her g-spot with his knuckle. She tried to speak but he was dragging the pressure point back and forth, making it difficult for her to produce anything more than a squeak. Her body tensed and shivered as the unexpected orgasm hit.

"How?," She panted, regaining some control, "how the fuck did you do that?"

Murtasim gazed up with a proud grin on his lips and gave a slight shrug.

"I read some books."

She stared at him, incredulous, until in a post-orgasmic haze she collapsed onto his chest laughing imagining her traditional husband reading such books. Murtasim shook beneath her as he too began to laugh, his smile relaxed his sharp features and she pressed a kiss on his cheeks.

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