babygirl - 1| bob cut

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tw: Meerab is a bi in this os, plz don't read it if you get offended easily.

I am warning you beforehand, and if I see any mean comments, telling me to stop writing then I will block you because I don't have time for negativity... I WRITE FOR ME. There are a few confused ones, I am fine with those, constructive criticism is fine, I love such debates. But back to back rude mommies, I don't want to handle them..

Tere Thappad will be back❣️


Chop chop chop.

Little to the right, little to the left and in the middle.

What the hell?

It looks my seven year old cousin chopped off my hair. Didn't the youtube short mention braiding would guarantee an even cut...

I mean I could say I was following Cher, but I didn't wanted to electrocute hair. Knowing how clumsy I was, I would end up setting this house on fire and Murtasim would kill me..


Wasn't I doing this to get back at him?

He had pissed me off. I so wanted to crush him under my stilletoes. But I couldn't because I broke them last week because of that bitch Haya.

I wanted to murder that sick twisted psychotic bitch...

I hated her, she had no sense of identity or self respect. I pitied her in the beginning but then one day I found her peeking in Murtasim's bathroom while he was inside showering. I stood behind her wanting to confront but ...

I saw his abs... the water gliding down his chest and his toned abdomen. My mouth was wide open, I couldn't look away. I forgot I was there to confront Haya not eyerape Murtasim.

The shower closed and I escaped like a thief before the either one of them could notice me.

What could be my excuse? Haya was eyeraping you, so I joined her. Eww.

I think I could use a scale, looking through my bag I found my college registration paper.

This made me angrier. The date was already gone, my hardwork and an entire year was wasted because of that Maa Begum.

Why didn't Maa Begum chose that perverted Haya as her bahu?

Mere ghar ki bahu...

Mera sher beta...

Mera Mera Mera...

I have never met such a self centered person, she acted as if this world revolved around her, she couldn't hear a no.

Chop. Chop.

The hair fell to the floor and I admired my look. Pursing my lips, "Mr Pott-herrr come to my office".

Damn I looked nice, one could call me hot. The hair made my jawline standout.

Lily would have never rejected this Snape.

I looked like a hearthrob. A simp.

Nevermind that wasn't my goal.

So I picked up the scissor and controlled the tears that were threating to come out. My beautiful hair, it was time to say goodbye.

Chop. Chop.

And I was done with my new hair. I run my fingers through my silky short hair and set them back like boys do.

I think... I am falling for me.

I should have been a boy, if I were a boy then I could have thrashed Murtasim for being a piece of shit or I could have made Haya fall for me and break her heart. I hate hate Haya...

But I knew if I would have turn into cassanova like most. The hair did justice to me, I couldn't help but make lovesick eyes at my reflection. If Murtasim looked this good I would have married him.

I went through the wardrobe and couldn't help but smirk imagining Maa Begum's reaction when her soon to be bahu walks in a suit with a bob cut.

She might die...

Wearing a suit and a pant I couldn't help but dreamily sigh, I wish I had the option to marry me. I have never met a guy as good looking as me, gosh the haircut was highlighting my cheekbones, I could pass of as Shah Rukh Khan.

Bade bade deshon m aisi.. choti choti baatein hoti rehti hai.

I found some aloe vera gel and use it to set my hair.

Just looking like a wow...

I could pass of as a don, an alpha, an actor and or your hot neighbour. I almost looked like a fuckboy.

Dashing. Hot. Perfect. Panty dropping.

The best part of this was I felt lighter, my mind was able to breath. It seemed like my hair was suffocating my brain. Every girl should get a bob cut. I can't stop touching my hair, it feels so smooth.

I clean up the floor incase Haya madam tries to do her black magic. That bitch was legit crazy.

With my newly transformed appearance and a surge of confidence, I strolled out of my room, ready to face the world with my chic bob cut and swagger. As I descended the stairs, I could already imagine the shock on Maa Begum's face and the bewildered expressions of my family.

I passed by the mirror in the hallway and couldn't help but admire the rebellious aura exuding from my short locks. It was a statement, a declaration of independence from societal norms. I chuckled, realizing that my revenge on Murtasim had taken an unexpected turn, leaving me more empowered than ever.

The ladies, couldn't hide their surprise. I caught their eyes and smirked, blowing playful kisses in their direction. Giggles and murmurs spread.

As I entered the living room, the gasps were audible. Maa Begum dropped the teacup she was holding, and my younger cousin stared wide-eyed at my audacious transformation. Without uttering a word, I winked at her, leaving her utterly flabbergasted.

"I know I look hot".

Ignoring the shocked silence that followed, I headed towards Murtasim, who was sitting nonchalantly on the couch. With a sly smile, I whispered, " Consider this my ... revenge".

I whispered in his ear, he was at the edge of his seat. There were murmers, as I patted him playfully like a guy friend would. There were funny whispers, I couldn't hold back my laugh.

Murtasim is gay?

I knew a man as handsome as him, could never be straight.

Why does this boy... is that Meerab?

Is that a wig?

Is she lesbian?

I was laughing when I felt a force, my cheeks burnt. I lost my balance and fell on the ground, as if a hulk had smacked me. Those bollywood movies were right, people could have hands of steel. As Murtasim's slap knocked me out.


I am in a weird mood. Will update this series though✨️

Btw this is a Meerya ship❗️❗️❗️

No mature content just experimenting with g×g romance.

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