Chapter 2

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Georgia POV*

I walked with James back to his dressing room, he's such a lovely guy. Not stuckup like I expected celebrities to be. He carried my bass bag for me which I thought was so kind of him. He's just been so nice. We spent the walk to the dressing room chatting about how I got into playing bass and about his songwriting.

James~ You ready to meet these idiots, they're much louder and hyper than they are on TV.
Me~ Ahah, yeah. From what I've seen and heard they sound like awesome guys.

James laughed as we approached the door with a laminate on that read "McBusted Dressing Room". We were here and I was actually quite excited. McBusted were an awesome band and I loved their music. I couldn't wait to meet them.

James~ Ready?
Me~ Yeah, lets go!

I smiled at James as we walked into the room. It was like the ultimate man cave in there! The room was filled with cans of monster and energy bar wrappers, with a red leather sofa in the middle of the room. Danny, Dougie, Harry, Matt and Tom were all slummed on the sofa, eagerly looking at the TV screen and cheering on their bandmates. Non of them seemed to noticed that me and James had walked in.

I looked at James who beamed at me. Wow, his smile was magical. It was like my heart melted when he smiled. James laughed as I watched the boys, causing Tom to look over at us. He paused the game on his controller.

Danny~ Oi mate, what you playing at?! I was just about to crush Juddy!
Harry~ Pfft, yeah sure you were. *punching Danny playfully on the shoulder*
James~ So I see that Juddy is smashing you all at Fifa, again! *walks over and perches on the arm of the sofa*
Matt~ He only beat me by 2 goals, thats not bad!
James~ Very true! Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Georgia, shes helping out at sound check and guitar tech *holds out his hand towards me*

I take James' hand and made my way over to the sofa and stood casually next to James. All the boys had stopped playing the game now and were staring at us. I felt my cheeks blush as the 6 amazingly attractive guys were just sat watching me. It wasn't awkward though, they each smiled at me and made me feel so comfortable.

Dougie~ Hey Georgia, I'm Doug. *stands up and walks over towards me, issuing me in for a hug*
Me~ Hiya, it's great to meet you!

I accept Dougies hug and before I know it I have Harry hugging me from the back. I suppose you could say I was in a "Pudd" sandwich. I laughed at the two as they squished me between them (I also got to have a nice feel of Harrys toned abs)!

Harry~ Hi Georgia, I'm Harry! Also known as Juddy and Master of the Xbox! *winks*
Matt~ Nobody calls you that Hazza. *playfully hits Harry on the arm*

I laugh at the banter between the guys, they're so great! Matt comes over and gives me a giant bear hug, shortly followed by Tom. Im stood chatting to Tom and Harry when I realise that one member hasn't said anything yet. He's still sat on the sofa, just staring at me. I begin to blush again and try to ignore the fact that this gorgeous human had been staring at me for almost 5 minutes.

Danny POV*

I should have probably gone over and introduced myself like the rest of the guys, but I couldn't think of the right way to do it. Which is wierd for me, I'm usually so chatty and sociable, I have no idea what came over me. Well, I do know that this hot girl came into our dressing room with James and I couldn't stop staring at her. She was so beautiful! Her smile was so perfect that it actually gave me butterflies. Her long hair was swept up in a ponytail and her wrists were covered in bracelets from concerts. Her blue eyes sparkled as the light hit her, she was just so perfect! But how can I speak to her about how I feel when her and James seem to be getting along so well, it wouldn't be right for me to walk straight in a steal a girl that James is taking a liking to.

And I'm with Nat anyway, my beautiful, model girlfriend. She'd flip if she knew I'd been thinking this way about Georgia, let alone that I've been gorping at her for the past 5 minutes! She'd go mad. I love Nat to piece but she can be somewhat of a psycho control freak when she wants. Ive just gotta keep it all in, for now anyway...

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