Chapter 24

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James POV*

So I have a plan. I'm going to just have a nice quiet night in with Georgia and we can just watch Friends and eat pizza and when she's least expecting it, I'll get down on one knee and ask her to marry me. Im so nervous about it though! I know she's the one for me, Ive never felt a stronger connection with anyone, well Matt doesn't count. I honestly do want to spend the rest of my life with her, she means the world to me.

I looked at my watch, 5:20. I better ring Georgia and tell her about tonight. Obviously not about the whole proposing thing but just so she doesn't make any plans. The guys might be in tonight but they're all like family to us, I want them to be involved. I haven't told any of them about the proposal yet, I wanted to wait until the right time to ask and I didn't want anyone accidentally spilling something about it. I dialed Georgia's number and she answered quietly.

Georgia~ Hello?
Me~ Hey Beautiful!
Georgia~ Hiya James... *quiet*
Me~ You ok? You sound quieter than usual.
Georgia~ *stuttered* Yeah... Umm...I...Im just kinda tired, had a long day.
Me~ Yeah, doing nothing is tiring. *laughs*
Georgia~ *little laugh* When will you be back?
Me~ At around 6ish hopefully.
Georgia~ Ok.
Me~ And I thought we could order a pizza and just watch Friends or something, quiet night in.
Georgia~ Sounds good...
Me~ Are any of the guys home?
Georgia~ Ummm.... I think Matts upstairs and.... Dannys in the shower I think...
Me~ Do you know if they have plans tonight?
Georgia~ Matts going to see some girl, Bry or something and I don't know about Danny
Me~ Maybe we can hook him up with that Mila girl again *laughs*
Georgia~ *sighed laugh* Maybe...
Me~ Well Im going to lose signal in a second so I'll have to go, I'll see you later.
Georgia~ See you...
Me~ Love you.
Georgia~And you.... Bye

I can't wait to get home and see my girl, who will hopefully become my wife...

Georgia POV*

I sat with my hands between my knees, looking at the floor and just thinking. Thinking about how Im supposed to tell him tonight, thinking about how Im leaving one of the best things that's ever happened to me, thinking about how guilty I'll feel when I know I've hurt James in a way he's not likely to forgive me for. Danny made us both a cup of tea and bought it over to the sofa where I was sitting. I looked up at the clock which said 5:30, half an hour until I have to tell him. Danny placed his hand gently on my back and gave me a reassuring smile. I leant into his shoulder and let his warmth cradle me. Even though I was shitting myself about tonight, Danny somehow made me feel protected and safe. The thought of being able to be with him was everything to me. I closed my eyes and began drifting off to sleep..

Matt POV*

I was getting changed to go out with my friend Bry when I heard the door bell ring. I looked at the clock, it's 6. That must be James. I sprayed on some aftershave and put my shoes on before running downstairs. I didn't want to be here when it happens. I don't want James to have any idea that I knew what was going on. I gave James a quick smile as he took his jacket off, before dashing into the living room to find Georgia asleep on Dannys shoulder. I threw a pillow at them and mouthed that James was back and they both immediately sat up with worried expressions. I grabbed my keys and my phone before dashing out of the house and to my car. I hope things don't get too fucked up tonight...

James POV*

I hung my jacket up on the pegs by the door and went into the living room. Georgia and Danny were sitting on the sofa watch the TV. I greeted and smiled at them both before picking Georgia up off the sofa and kissing her passionately. She screamed as I picked her up, the way she screamed when I picked her up on the first day I met her. The day I knew I'd found the love of my life. You could say love at first sight. I kissed Georgia and held her in my arms for a few seconds before putting her down. She said she'd order pizza why I went upstairs and got changed. She was already in her PJs so I though I would get into mine to join her, we can have a proper chill out night. I went upstairs and put on my old Back To The Future PJs before slipping the ring box into my pocket. I clasped onto it and took a deep breathe before walking out of our room and going downstairs. 

In the living room, Danny and Georgia were talking to each other in hushed tones. I went over to the fridge and got out 3 bottles of beer. I threw one to Danny and passed Georgia one. She said she'd ordered the food. Just to wait for the right moment now...

Georgia POV*

Ok, so I probably should've told him before ordering food as Im sure that non of us are going to want to eat after its come out. When do I tell him? That kiss when he came in was so perfect and it reminded me how much I truly loved him, but I keep going back to that quote from Sophie, If you truly love one person you won't fall for another one. She's right, she always is. I took a deep breathe and turned to face James who had his arm around my shoulder. Here we go, no going back now....

Me~ James.... I need to tell you something....
James~ *looking concerned* Whats up,  Georgie?
Me~ Well... Ummm...
Danny~ We.... Ummm...
Me~ *deep breathe* Remember when Nat beat Danny up?
James~ Yeah...
Me~ Well.... She kinda did that because... She caught us together...
James~ Together?
Danny~ It just kind of happened...
Me~ She caught us together....but we have a connection... I couldn't help but want Danny so much ever since I met him...
James~ You're confusing me Georgia...
Danny~ We've thought about it, long and extremely hard and well, we kind of want to give us a go...
Me~ I love you so much James, but a wise girl once told me that if you love one person but are falling for another, pick the second one as you wouldn't have fallen If you were meant to be with the first....
Danny~ Im so sorry mate, it's been horrible keeping it from you and the last thing we wanted to do was hurt you...
James~ hurt me? My girlfriend and my best friend have just told me they've been sleeping together! Two of the people who I love and trust with any and everything have been together behind my back! *tear falling down his face*
Me~ I never wanted this to happen, I thought it was only going to happen once but I can't help but feel as though we have something seriously strong together...
Danny~ Im sorry mate, I never wanted this to happen. I never said anything to anyone about how I felt about Georgia until I tried to kiss her when I was drunk, things just spiralled from there....
Me~ James?
Danny~ James are you alright?
James~ Im going out...

James grabbed his jacket and put it on before walking out the house. Oh my god, what have we done! We've destroyed him....

James POV*

Im so heartbroken. How can they do this to me?! Two people who I trust with my life, well trusted. I can't believe  they've been doing this behind my back! I feel so stupid. I walked down the drive just as the pizza an was coming up. He went to give me the boxes but I ran past him. The ring box fell out of my pocket and landed on the floor. The pizza guy called after me to tell me that I dropped it but I didn't care anymore. I ran to get as far away from them as possible. The two people who have just broken my heart...

Georgia POV*

The knocking on the door meant that he Must've  come back. Maybe he can forgive us and we can all remain as friends,I don't see that happening though. The way the light faded from his eyes when we told him actually crushed me inside. Danny went to the door. It was the pizza deliverer. Danny handed him the money and took the boxes before him and the man spoke in hushed tones about something. Then I heard Danny gasp and I knew something wasn't right...

Long chapter for you seen as I haven't updated in a while💕 sorry about lack of updates, Ive gone back to school and I had serious writers block but Im back with Falling In Love now, WOOHOO!💕 So are you still Team Bourne or Team Jones?? Has Georgia made the right choice?? Will James be ok??💕 Please vote, comment and share if you're enjoying this and Id love to hear your thoughts on it😊💕

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