Chapter 16

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Georgia POV*

Wow this was awkward. We all knew we had something to say but non of us had the guts to say it first. Come to think of it, did Danny know that Tom and Matt knew? I don't think he does, that's probably why he's being so quiet. I looked at him to see him already staring at me. I turned to Matt who was leaning up against the wall next to me. He was giving me a look as if to say, "say something". I cleared my throat and turned back to Danny.

Me~ So, um... how you feeling now?
Danny~ I'm um... ok. Are you ok? Did she hurt you?
Me~ No, she didn't touch me, I'm fine just a bit...
Danny~ Shocked? Yeah I'm not surprised.

Tom and Matt were looking at each other with raised eyebrows. It was so awkward. I looked at Tom and he gave me a encouraging look. I took a deep breathe and started talking.

Me~ Danny... they know...
Danny~ *embarrassed* Know what...
Matt~ About you and Georgia...yanno, doing it when Nat found you.
Danny~ Oh, that...
Tom~ Yeah, I think we all kinda need to talk about it
Me~ Yeah...
Danny~ *sigh* Ok, I've had feelings for Georgia since I first laid eyes on her. The problem was that she and James were already getting close and I didn't want to interfere with what was going on with them, it wouldn't have been right.
Tom~ Is that why you were so quiet when we first met Georgia?
Danny~ Yeah, I didn't want anything to slip out accidentally so I thought the safest thing to do would be keep my mouth shut. I kinda hoped that James and Georgia were just a faze but then when we walked in on them at that hotel, I realized I didn't have a chance any more.
Me~ Wha...what about when you tried to kiss me?
Danny~ Well, I'd had a bit of a drink and all my emotion was coming out. I really really wanted to kiss you and I hated the fact that I passed out before we could. The fact that you didn't move away gave me some hope that maybe you had feelings for me too, but then there was the hotel incident and I just kinda let it go. I didn't think you'd remembered it and when you spoke to me about it this morning... I knew it wasn't just me that had feelings.
Tom~ Awh Danny mate.*patting him on the shoulder*
Me~ I'm so sorry...
Danny~ It's not your fault, its mine.
Me~ No, it's all my fault. You said to stop before we did it because it was wrong but I told you it was ok.
Matt~ You thought it was ok?
Me~ Yeah, well, no... well I don't know. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing.
Danny~ I've totally screwed up my relationship with James, man he's gonna hate me.
Tom~ Yeah well are you both planning on telling him or do you think it's best to keep it a secret?

I looked at Danny at the same time that he looked at me. That was a good question, what were we going to do? If we told James, that would hurt him, wreck his relationship with me and end the friendship with Danny. If we didn't tell him, we would be able to carry on as we are now. I shook my head a little at Danny and he turned around to Tom.

Danny~ I don't think he needs to know, Georgia can keep her relationship and I can keep one of my best mates.
Matt~ *looking unsure* Are you sure? I've seen situations like this before and they usually don't end well. Do either of you still have feelings for one another?

I looked at the floor. Of course I had feelings for him, I loved him! But I also loved James. God why is everything so hard?! If I wanted to stay in my relationship with James, we needed to keep quiet about this whole thing. As much as it would kill me to keep something so big from him, it was the only option I had. I had to pretend that I didn't have feelings for Danny any more. All three guys were watching me. I lifted my head up and shook my head slowly. I saw Danny's face fall. I felt awful.

Matt~ Ok, we can keep this between ourselves then. Agreed?
Tom~ Agreed.
Me~ Agreed.
Danny~ Mmhmm...

He looked distraught. How could I d this to him? I'm such an awful person. I could feel myself starting to tear up a bit so I looked at Matt to get him to change the subject. Thankfully, he did.

Matt~ So, we've got the Nat situation sorted.
Danny~ How?
Matt~ Well,

Matt went on to explain to Danny about where we'd been and what we'd done. But all that I could focus on was the pain and hurt in Danny's eyes...

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