Chapter 14

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Tom POV*

So far, our plan was working. We'd managed to get Nat's parents to go to Covent Gardens which was a good 2 hours away from where we were. This ensured that Nat couldn't get them to come and bail her out. They had enough money to do it 10 times over. This now left us in a position where we could get Danny to talk to the police about the attack and blackmail. We just had to hope that he was in a condition where he was able to talk...

Matt POV*

We got back into the taxi and made our way back to the hospital. I was so happy that Nat's parents had believed our story, if they hadn't we'd have been in a world of shit. I sat down and called Harry. He was the one most likely to have his phone on him. He answers almost immediately.

Harry~Matt, mate?
Me~ Harry,how's he doing?
Harry~ *silence*
Me~ Harry?
Harry~ He's awake. He's had an operation to fix his nose and they've put his arm into a cast, he's got a black eye and loads of bruises and scratches but they can't do anything to fix that.
Me~ So they reckon he's gonna be OK?
Harry~ Yeah, the three of us are here with him and we have no intention to leave until he can leave. Hows Georgia?
Me~ *pauses whilst looking at Georgia* She's a bit shook up but she's not injured or anything. She's with us now, we're on our way to Danny.
Harry~ Any idea how long you'll be?
Me~ *pauses* Give us 5.
Harry~ Alright mate.

I looked next to me to where Georgia was sitting. She looked at me and I smiled at her. I knew how hard this was for her, obviously not as hard as it was for Danny but she really needed support. I put my arm around her and she snuggled into me. As she began to fall asleep, I saw Tom nod towards the window Shit, we were close to the hospital. I took out my phone again and dialed 999...

James POV*

Danny was in a better condition now. He was still in a lot of pain but he was chatting now. He kept thanking us for being here with us and telling us that we could go if we wanted. Of course non  of us were going to, we'd leave when he'd leave. Harry was worried as you could tell by the look on his face. Danny kept reassuring him that he was ok but he wasn't convinced. Danny kept cracking jokes about not being able to play guitar and how Dougie was going to have to become the lead.

Danny~ You'd have to have the energy of two people.
Dougie~ I have that anyway!
Danny~ True. You'd have to play bass and guitar at the same though.
Dougie~ Errrmm, yeah lets hope that arms gets better soon.*winks*

Then there was a knock on the door. Harry called to tell them to come in. We all just kinda assumed it would've been Matt, Tom and Georgia, but it wasn't. It was two police officers.

Danny POV*

Shit! Shit! Shit! God, I can' talk to them now! Especially with James in the room. Ok, Danny pull yourself together. Your not in the wrong here, Nat is. Just tell them the truth and you'll be fine.

The first officer walked over to my bed and stood next to me. He looked concerned at me. I shuffled a bit. The second officer sat on the chair at the end of my bed, near to where Harry and Dougie were.

First Officer~ Hello, I'm Kyle Smith and I'm the inspector working on your case.
Me~ Hi, I'm Danny.
Kyle~ And that's Ashley, he's a sort of intern that's helping me out.
Ashley~ How you feeling, mate?
Me~Ummm, better thanks.
Kyle~ We had a call from a Willis?
James~ That'd be Matt. *smiles*
Kyle~ He's reported your case, is it ok if we ask you a few questions?
Me~ *stutter* Yeah sure.
Harry~ Can we stay in here with him?
Kyle~ *shaking  his head*  I'm afraid for confidentiality reason.

The guys all got up and made there way towards the door. James put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me before going out. Harry and Dougie both smiled at me before hey left too.

Kyle~ You can ask us to stop at any time.
Me~ Ok...
Kyle~ Ok, so in your own words can you tell what happened?
Me~ *deep breathe* Well...


Bit of a naff chapter but once the police bits done it should all start getting interesting again😏 Hope you enjoyed it💕

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