Chapter 25

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James POV*

I ran as far away from the house as possible. How could they do this to me? I loved and trusted them both so much and they've been together behind my back! I sat with Danny in hospital to comfort and help him when he wouldn't have even been there if he hadn't slept with my girlfriend! I can't believe they've done this to me, and I was going to propose to her as well! She obviously doesn't love me, she probably never has. How long has this even been going on for?! Oh god, Im so fucking upset and angry! I need to go somewhere.

I'd managed to run all the way into town. There's loads of restaurants and clubs around here, I'll just go and sit in one of them for a while, to clear my head.... Or get completely smashed so I can't remember this pain tomorrow.

I located a little club on the corner and walked towards it. It wasn't very busy, there was only about 50 people there. I walked over to a booth and slumped down in it. A waitress came over and I order a vodka and coke and a whiskey. She came back pretty quickly with them both. Looking around the club, I could see so many happy couples. Kissing, hugging, dancing, everything I should be doing with Georgia but she went and fucked another guy behind my back. By the bar, I saw a girl with medium length brown hair kissing a guy who had black spiky hair with a blonde streak.... Hang on a minute, that's Matt. A part of me wants to go over and cry on his shoulder and blub about all the shit that's happened, but the other part doesn't want to kill the moment he's clearly got going with this girl. I must've been staring because as she pulled away from him, she looked over and whispered to Matt. He turned around and looked at me with a confused expression before walking towards me, the girl following behind him.

Matt~ James? Hey mate, this is Bry!
Bry~ Hiya, lovely to meet you! *hugging me*
Me~ Hi.
Matt~ You ok mate?
Me~ No, not really... It's Georgia, she's been cheating on me...
Matt~ Seriously?!
Me~ That's not the worst of it, she's been cheating on me with fucking Danny.
Matt~ For fucks sake!
Me~ Yeah, I'm a bit pissed off to say the least.
Matt~ Can't blame you!
Bry~ Hey look, do you want me to go? James needs you and we can always catch up again some other time.

I saw Matts face drop a little and I felt kinda bad. I don't wanna ruin his chances at something just because my life's been fucked up. I looked at Bry, she seems to have her head screwed on and Im not too bothered about her knowing.

Me~ No stay, you can help me try and understand how a girls mind works...

Georgia POV*

Danny came into the living room with his hands clasped over his mouth and his eyes full of panic. I looked at him and I knew something was wrong. Obviously this whole situation is completely and utterly fucked up and awful but something was wrong that I didn't know about. Danny sat down next to me and slowly moved his hands away from his face and put one in his pocket.

Me~ Danny... What's happened?
Danny~ Georgia, we've done something awful...
Me~ I know we've hurt James and im already dying inside because of it...
Danny~ He was going to...
Me~ Danny?
Danny~ He was going to propose, Georgia. *putting the ring box on the coffee table*

I gasped as I felt a tear fall down my face. Oh god, what have I done?! What have I done?! I had no idea he was planning this. I was in complete shock. I couldn't move. The box sat glumly on the table and I couldn't bring myself to look at it. Tears streamed down my face as I thought about James and how much he cared and loved me and how much I cared and loved him. I still do. This has been the hardest decision of my life and Ive hated treating him like this. What if Matt hadn't made me promise to tell him tonight and he'd have proposed and Id have panicked and said yes?! I could've been engaged now. Matt. Matt must've known it was going to happen tonight. The way he was with us, the way he made me promise to tell him tonight. He wanted me to tell James before he had the chance to propose. Matt knew...

James POV*

It had been a couple hours since I had arrived at the club and now we were all absolutely wasted. I'd cried whilst explaining to Matt and Bry the whole story of what had happened and how much I loved Georgia. Bry said she couldn't see how anyone could two time, she said she would never understand how a girl can do that to someone. I obviously didn't mean anything to Georgia, she didn't even seem to care.

I knocked back another shot before laughing hysterically at Matt who was now drunkily dancing on the table. He was going to have such a bad hangover tomorrow. He's been so great with this. He's listen to me moan and complain and cry about all my problems and given me advice on what to do. Matts always been a kind of brother to me, I know he'd never do anything like this to hurt me, EVER! Id have liked to have thought that Danny wouldn't do anything like that either but aparently he can. I wonder if any of the guys know about it? Were they ever caught and then promised not to tell me? I'd like to hope they wouldn't have known. If they did, that would hurt me just as much...

Matt POV*

Ok yes I did already know about all the Danny Georgia stuff but I couldn't let James know that I knew, that'd kill him. I did my best to try and support him but I don't really know what to say. He obviously can't go back to the house tonight. That'd be the last thing he needs tonight. Bry offered us to stay over at hers, perfect! That way I can keep an eye on him whilst away from everyone else. James needs to talk to Georgia, they can't leave it like this...

Yess I used my name as a little interest for Matt because, why not😉💕 Sorry, this chapter hasn't been great but we're nearing the end of FiL now😢💕 Please vote and comment if you're enjoying this💕💕

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