Chapter 8

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Georgia POV*

I froze as Matt began walking towards me. He didn't look angry or disappointed, just confused. His footsteps echoed throughout the bus. I put my laptop down next to me and turned to fully face him.

Me~ Look, I can explain...
Matt~ I think you better, my heads spinning now Georgia. Whats going on? *sounding worried*
Me~ So basically, I heard Danny give the "come over" signal so I went round. He pulled me inside his room and sat me on the bed next to him. He didn't speak, just learnt into kiss me but passed out just as our lips were millimeters away from one another. I was confused that night and left, thinking he didn't have any feelings for me or that he would remember in the morning. Judging by his reactions to me and James, he clearly isn't alright with it all.
Matt~ You have feelings for him? *looking at the floor*
Matt~ I heard you say you did. Look Georgia, you are my closet girl friend and I love you to bits so I'm not gonna say anything, but sort it out. James and Danny are great guys and I'd hate to see anything destroy them.
Me~ *sighing* I love James! I really really do, but some part of me feels that there's a chance of something with Danny, something interesting but I don't wanna loose James.
Matt~ *hugging me* Dilemmas, G. Sort it out babes and try not to hurt either of them. They both clearly have feelings for you but we have to work out whats going on in Danny's head.
Me~ OK.

We hug for a while before James, Harry and Dougie walk in. I immediately ask where Danny is.

Dougie~ Ohh, Tom and Danny went to meet Fletch to talk over some writing stuff. They'll be back soon.

Good, I thought. I need to find out whats going on with Danny...

Danny POV*

Tom had told the guys that me and him were going to meet Fletch for a meeting, we weren't. I'm not sure what was going on, Tom looked worried when he declared that we would be going back straight away. He probably wanted to talk about wedding plans or something.

We walked through town and to a small little cafe. There wasn't anyone else inside so we took a seat on the soft chairs by the wall. I sat down and took out my phone to have a scroll through Instagram whilst Tom ordered us two strawberry milkshakes. He came back over and placed the two glasses on the table. I was still tapping away on my phone so Tom picked it up out of my hand and waved it at me.

Tom~ Dude, no phones. I need to talk to you.
Me~ Mate, what's going on? Are you OK? *worried*
Tom~That's the question that I should be asking you, don't-cha think?
Me~ *sighs* Nothings wrong.
Tom~ *raising an eyebrow* Very convincing, Jones. You should get an Oscar. *winks*
Me~ *slight laugh* Funny.
Tom~ But one word, Georgia. What's going on there?
Me~ *slight panic in voice* Nothing... she's with James...I'm happy for them...
Tom~ I saw the way you looked at her when you first met, the way you were unable to speak or take your eyes off of her. The way you look when she smiled at you. Danny,mate, I know somethings not right. You look in pain when you see her with James, you seem depressed all the time, mate.
Me~ *quietly* I...I...I like her... a lot, man. I've never felt this way about anyone before and I don't know what to do. She's happy with James, she loves him and he loves her so what's the point in me liking her when she clearly has no interest in me.
Tom~ How do you know?
Me~ *looking at him* Know what?
Tom~ Know that she doesn't like you. Yeah she's with James but I've seen her, mate. The face she made when we walked in the other day, the only one she cared about seeing her was you, and you could see that by her face.
Me~ But Tom, you see everything in a lovey way and...
Tom~ It's not just me. Matt thinks the same, he told me earlier. I think you need to talk to her, mate.

I looked at Tom as I slurped my milkshake, should I tell him about the kiss? He's only trying to help me out so I suppose I should. I took a big gulp and swallowed loudly. Then I placed my hands on the table and took a deep breathe.

Me~ Tom, I tried to kiss her...
Tom~ *surprised* WHAT?!
Me~ Well, I called her round one night when we were staying in a hotel and she came over. I pulled her over to the bed and we both sat there in silence, just staring at each other. I could feel myself getting hazy so I leaned in and tried to kiss her.
Tom~ What, she rejected you?
Me~ No, I'd been having a drink and I passed out. She didn't pull away Tom, in fact.. she kinda leaned in as if she wanted to...
Tom~ Told you mate! Talk to her.

I nodded and smiled at Tom. We finished our milkshakes then started walking back towards the bus. I knew she'd be in there, with the rest of the guys. I couldn't talk to her now, it'd have to wait. What about Nat? How am I supposed to get around that? I can't be with Georgia and Nat. I wanna be with Georgia so bad but I'm tied in with Nat. I can't escape the position shes put me in and that is starting to kill me inside...

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