Chapter 21

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Danny POV*

I think this is quite possibly the worst hangover I've ever had! My head is killing me and I honestly can't even see straight. I rolled over and looked at the clock, it was 9:57. It was so hot in my room, I had to open a window or something. I got up and went over to the double doors that lead out onto the balcony. The breeze that came through was exactly what I needed. I sat on the chair with my head in my hands as I tried to remember anything from last night. It was no good. Nothing was coming back to me. My head was starting to become unbearable so I decided it would be best to go and get a tablet. I went back into my room and nearly shit myself. Why was there another person in my bed?! I walked over to her slowly. A tiny pink dress and matching heels were on the floor and her blonde hair was all matted up into more of an afro. Did I sleep with this girl? If I did, I couldn't remember. I walked out of the room and made my way downstairs.

Harry and Tom were sitting on the sofa with a music channel on when I walked in. Our living area and kitchen are all one space. Tom greeted me and Harry just grunted. He looked like shit. He was probably in the same position as me. I grabbed a paracetamol and a glass of water and went to join them on the sofa. Harry was half asleep with his hood pulled over his face. Tom was looking at me a bit concerned.

Tom~ You ok? You look like a zombie.
Me~ Hang over, man.
Tom~ But you look worse than usual, and you weren't in the club long.
Me~ I guess I drank a lot at the club and I probably drank when I got home too.

Tom~ Good job you haven't got any plans for today.

Me~ I know, how do you look so good?!
Tom~ Well, I'm using this new shampoo and...
Me~ Shut up I don't mean like that. *both laughing* Like you don't look hung over at all, were you not drinking last night?
Tom~ Nahh, I'm taking Gi out today and I didn't wanna look... well like you and Harry.  *smirks*
Harry~ Shut up. 
Me~ Do I look worse than Harry though?
Harry~ *opening his eyes a little* I think we're drawing. *laughs*
Tom~ Agree.
Me~ Great, I'm gonna go shower.
Harry~ Don't use all the hot water.
Me~ I won't.

I finished my water and got up to go to the bathroom. Harry went back to trying to sleep and Tom turned his attention back to the TV. I'm guessing Matt and Dougie were still asleep and I dunno about James and Georgia. I know James was taking her out for a meal last night but I don't know if he booked a hotel or something too. My heads hurting too much to think about that. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower to cold.

Georgia POV*

I woke up with a start. I'd accidentally kicked the car horn and it was bloody loud! I sat up and realized that me and James were naked in his car. Oh yeah, I remember, last night. I found James' shirt and covered myself with it as he slowly started to wake himself up. I started kissing his neck and he woke up properly with a smile. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest. I was still so tired and I think James was too. We both had tired eyes and were aching. Sleeping in the car was fun but we're both aching so much now. James sat up and wiggled on his trousers.

James~ Morning beautiful.
Me~ Morning, thanks for last night.
James~ You enjoy it?
Me~ I loved it, just like I love you.
James~ I love too, you wanna head back so we can get some decent sleep?
Me~ Yeah that'd be great.

James~ McDonalds breakfast?
Me~ Oooo, yes!

He smiled at me and we both got changed into our clothes from last night, well we tried to. Two people trying to get changed in a small car at the same time turned out to be quite a challenge. We managed though and then we began the drive back to the band house. I wonder how the guys night went?...

Matt POV*

Shit my head hurts! I've been awake for about half an hour but haven't bothered actually getting up yet. I need food though, and a tablet... and a wee. I got up and rubbed my eyes before walking towards the bathroom. Danny's room was next door. I wonder how bad his hang over is this morning. It sounded as if someone was in the shower so I walked into Danny's room to see how he was. A piercing scream came from the room and I looked up to see a blonde haired girl, standing naked in the middle of the room! SHIT!

Me~ Shit I'm so sorry!
Me~ Ok.. umm... sorry.

I closed the room and just stood in the corridor, gormless.  Danny had company last night? Well, I'm guessing he had company or there's a random naked girl in his room. I guess this is a good thing, right? He must be getting over Georgia if he's got another girl mustn't he? I don't know, I'll ask him later. Danny came out of the shower looking a lot more human and awake than I did. He looked confused as to why I was stood outside his room in just my boxers.

Danny~ Umm, you ok mate? 
Me~ Uh..yeah..
Danny~Were you shouting?
Me~ Nah, your company was though. *raising an eyebrow*
Danny~ Ughh, she's still here.
Me~ Danny! 
Danny~ What? I don't even know who she is, I just slept with her 'cus I needed satisfying...

Just then the girl came out of the room with an angered expression on her face. She was wearing a tight pink dress and Danny's hoodie. Danny bit his lip as she came out and devil stared him.

Danny~ Uh.. morning... sleep ok?
Mila~ Whatever, I heard what you said!
Me~ I'm sure he just meant...
Mila~ That I was easy to get into bed, I'm leaving! *stomping away*
Danny~ Mila wait...
Mila~ What?! *bit of hope in her eyes*
Danny~ You're wearing my hoodie.

She stomped off and I turned to Danny. I laughed at little at him but he had been pretty harsh on her. So he just wanted a quickie last night, not an actual girlfriend. The way he was with her made me realize something. He's never that rude to anyone, ever! He's so not over Georgia and this could really fuck things up...


Hope your enjoying! Team Bourne or Team Jones? I'm going on holiday next week for 2 weeks so updating might be slower than it has been for the last few weeks, sorry. I'm also currently writing a fanfic called You Work In A Rundown Drive-Thru. If your enjoying either or both please vote and comment :-) xx

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