Chapter 37

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I started to tear up even more at his words because of how sweet he is. This all reminded me of how we met, how before I even entered their house Jake comforted me and told me not to be so nervous. When the pastor spoke it broke me of my thoughts. "With all this being said, Cole do you take Vanessa Nicole Webber to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?" Colby nodded and said, "I do." The pastor turned to me and spoke, "Vanessa, do you take Cole Robert Brock to be your lawfully wedded Husband, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?" I nodded saying, "I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss your bride." Colby's hands cupped my cheeks, we leaned in letting our lips connect. This was the most passionate kiss we've ever had and I loved it, never wanting it to end. Much to my dismay he pulled away all too soon, everyone was cheering some through sobs which is expected at a wedding. All the couples were getting with each other yet there were 2 people who didn't instantly run to someone. One of them was Har, the other was our neighbor and this was causing me to have an amazing idea.

I walked over to Har and asked her to go hangout with the guy, from what I saw he didn't seem like much of a people person. After explaining that to her she was still hesitant to do so until she saw his face. "Hunter?!" She ran up to him after he looked over at her with a huge smile on his face. "Holy shit, I can't believe you live right next door to these guys!" The way they were talking to each other I couldn't help but wonder how they knew each other.

She got him to stand up and walked him over to Colby and I. "Nes I think now would be a good time to tell you that Hunter and I have been dating for almost 3 months now." I was in shock, why did she never tell me that she was dating someone? Jazzy walked over with Sam, Corey, Devyn, Kayla, Elton, and Aaron following. I instantly turned to Jazzy, "Did you know about Har having a whole ass boyfriend??"

She shook her head as we both looked at Kayla who was just as confused as we were. I shrugged it off as everyone walked over to the cake where Colby and I were standing. We both held the knife and sliced into the cake as everyone cheered again. As everyone got a piece I heard a familiar voice hollering my name, I looked up to see Tara and she was holding a baby girl.

"V! Oh my god congratulations! You and Colby are an amazing couple, I'm so happy for you guys." Tara looked at Jacob and smiled brightly. "And who's this handsome man?" She asked in a baby voice causing him to giggle. "Tara, this is our son, Jacob Justin Brock." She looked at me with a smile on her face when I told her, I'm not sure if she knows about Jake or not as we haven't announced to the public about his passing yet, now I know that's not right but I don't want to get a million DM's from the whole fan base telling me how sorry they are or going off about how Jake would be terribly missed.

"Oh speaking of babies, this is Rosalie May." I looked down at her and part of my heart broke, she looks like Jake. "Tara, not to be nosey or anything but... is she Jake's?" As soon as I asked that I began to tear up from her reaction because that slight head nod and smile told me I was right. "Speaking of Jake where the hell is that goofy guy? I brought Rosie down so he could meet her, and love her just as much as I do. Maybe even talk about getting back together so she doesn't have to live in two separate homes."

That's when I knew for a fact Tara had no idea that my brother has been gone for almost a year, and that broke my heart. Before I told her the news I took Rosie and held her close as I looked into Tara's eyes. "Tara.. I'm not really sure how to tell you this but about 10-11 months ago we went on a trip for the XPLR channel. On our way back home, we found an old abandoned school. Jake got possessed, and was forced to jump out of a window and was transported to the closest hospital. They did everything they possibly could but unfortunately Jake didn't make it Tara. I saw him die and it was the worst experience ever."

Her eyes instantly began watering and before too long she was an emotional wreck. I think she's taking the news harder than Ryan and Reggie did. I didn't know how to comfort her because if I were in her shoes and it were Colby that didn't make it, they would have to send me to a psych ward just so I wouldn't have a mental snap. I gave her a hug and rubbed her back as she tried to make sure she didn't get any makeup on my dress. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be this upset, I left when I found out I was pregnant because I didn't want to ruin Jake's Career.."

The pain in her voice told me that she didn't want to leave but she was putting Jake's career before her own happiness. I sighed knowing after this Tara would go back to where she was when she left and I don't think she'll ever come back. That is, unless we can talk her into moving in with us being that we're about to have a spare room after Colby and I finally get me settled into his room. "Well, I should probably start heading back home, it's quite the drive to get here." I shook my head and told her, "Tara, you should move in with us, there's about to be two extra rooms after I move all my stuff into Colby's room and Elton's moving out too, so.. whatcha say, will you move in with us?"

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