Chapter 6

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Double update today♡ make sure you read chapter 5~~

I was way to easy on you guys 💀

But you completed the challenge with 2 hours to spare of the alloted 3, and I saw some new faces~ 🤭 so I achieved my agenda anyway~


P.S.: Wattpad is getting rid of the PM system. If you haven't seen my board notes, I posted my discord and tiktok users. So if you ever have anything you want to talk to me about in private, you can still do that♡ Love you guys~


It was the weekend now, so I didn't have work, and obviously, Beomsun didn't have school.

And now?

I had managed to find Chan's phone number...maybe through a bit of stalking through school files and websites. And before I knew it...

I had actually scheduled a time and place for us to meet up today, so Beomsun could possibly learn to swim. Or at least start learning.

With a little bit of teasing about how I must have gotten his phone number, though.

Now, I was driving Beomsun and I over to a pool that apparently wouldn't have any customers today. But when I got there, I actually found a whole hell of a lot more than a pool.

Why the hell did he bring me to a whole ass gym?!

I didn't say anything or complain though. Beomsun hugged my leg shyly and nervously as we walked slowly but surely towards the entrance, as I was trying to check whether or not the address was right.


So, I sighed and accepted it. I went up to the doors, taking note of how Beomsun immediately ducked behind me, and tried to open them.


Okay...they're locked.


I guess I'll call Chan...?

I had just pulled up his new contact in my phone when one of the double doors opened. I looked up, a bit surprised, and saw a pretty big alpha staring at me from where he held the door open.

"Hey. Come in." He said, not really friendly, but also not really rudely. I scrunched my nose up at the sign on the building, before I wrapped a protective arm around my son and went inside. The alpha locked the door behind us, making me sincerely hope that this was the right place.

"Um..." I looked around nervously. "Do you know a guy named Chan...?"

"Yeah." He said, raising an eyebrow at me, before scrunching his nose as he looked me over. "He's already in the pool."


He nodded, before he turned and pointed down the hall. "Go down to those blue double doors at the end of the hall and you'll be in there. There's a changing room inside." He said simply. "No regular clothes are allowed. No food or drinks either, and no shoes, if you're weird like that. Just as a heads up," He frowned. "There's a chemical in the pool that will turn purple if it detects pee. So think twice before you decide not to take the twenty foot walk to the bathrooms. Thank you." He said bluntly, before he walked away down the hall.

My eyes widened, and I stared at the alpha in horror.

I mean I get it, my son is five, but damn--

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