Chapter 11

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Double update❤️ make sure you read chapter 10~

I'm gonna try and make an apple pie today, it's my first time and I'm doing it 100% from scratch. Wish me luck~~

And if it comes out looking good, ofc I'm gonna show you guys to brag hehe

It's been awhile since I've posted a picture of my cooking in here 🤔 I used to brag about it so much more 😅

Oh well sksksk

Enjoy~ this is 6.7k words~


The next day, I felt even worse than I had yesterday. Because after I had harshly rejected Chan--he didn't come to work. I had spent the day trying to guide a substitute that was constantly coming to my classroom for guidance, and--everytime I saw them, I was reminded of Chan being gone.

Two days after the rejection, Chan popped back up at work. And he didn't look like he had been sick or anything, so it made me a little upset to see him again. My heart thudded into my chest with anticipation the moment I saw him casually during lunch--but this time, it was him that distanced himself from me. And it didn't feel right to go and try to sit next to him when he so clearly avoided sitting next to me.

I wonder if this is how he felt...?

I let out a little huff, picking at my food a bit. Only pausing when my phone began to buzz, vibrating the table pretty loudly. I jumped a little and flipped it over to look at the screen, perking up a bit when I saw Hyunjin was calling me.

"Hello?" I mumbled with a little smile.

"Hey. Are you on break right now?" Hyunjin asked with a sweet tone.

"Yeah, it's lunchtime for...I think most schools right now. Why, what's up?" I asked, as I suddenly found it a bit easier to eat. Though being careful to not munch while my phone was too my ear, too embarrassed to let him hear it.

"Nothing. I just started my break too and was thinking about you." He said honestly.

"You were thinking about me?" I asked, as my smile widened a bit. I tried to stifle some giggles, feeling like it might not be appropriate, but some got out anyway. And my giggles were followed by soft chuckles of Hyunjin's, as he joined me.

"Yeah, you caught me." He mumbled. "I've, uh...been thinking about you a lot, actually. I know you're probably busy with work, and...being a mom, you know, but...if you're cool with it, I would like to see you again sometime soon. Do you think that...maybe we could plan something together...? You know, fix a time"

I was a little surprised. I perked up, especially as he emphasized he didn't mean just a day. My eyes widened a bit, as my mind rushed to try and decipher whether or not this alpha had just asked me out on an actual date date, and...wasn't being direct that that was his intention.

"I mean...yeah." I mumbled softly with a little shy laugh. "Are you free this weekend? Beomsun will be with his grandparents, so...we can see each other then if you want to."

"Yeah, that sounds--"

Before Hyunjin's words could finished, I felt a hand touching my shoulder. I jumped and swung around, not hearing the rest of Hyunjin's sentence as I looked back, and saw Chan standing behind me.

"It's time to go to recess." He mumbled. "Come on."


I blushed a bit awkwardly, sputtering incoherently as I quickly turned my attention back to my phone, cutting Hyunjin off without thinking about it. "Hey, uh--sorry, I've got to go now, so...text me later? We can talk about it more tonight, if that's okay."

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