Gangsta Buddies

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Jungsoo walked down the hallway with Jiwoo beside her. Jiwoo's hands were busy arranging her uniform a bit while Jungsoo was carrying both of their books for literature class. and the load was huge. Jungsoo was supposed to listen to whatever her friend was saying but she was just mindlessly nodding and humming. Because her mind was too busy brainstorming ideas as for why she didn't see Jungkook for their last three periods. He wasn't sick or anything or the lessons weren't even English or calc.

Yeah it was no secret to her that he sometimes -not very often- bunked one or two classes of the subject that was taught by a picky teacher or the subject that most of the time irked him to a great extent. It was only when he wasn't feeling that he could take another forty-five minutes of torture when he was annoyed by the youngest of his brothers and sister or scolded by the eldest ones early in the morning. And this habit was greatly discussed with him by Jin.

But the last week had been very unusual of him. He's been skipping classes a lot. And today too, for three straight periods, he was gone; vanished into thin air and with no answer to his phone. Jungsoo was not wholly confused as a slight idea about his whereabouts had already started to bud in her mind. And by the time it was ready to bloom, it was tinted with a hint of fear.

"Kim Jungsoo, are you listening to me?" Jiwoo's voice bought her to a sudden halt.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Just thinkin- Hey, did you see Kook in between our classes?" the question jumped out of her mouth with no prior thinking. Now Jiwoo knew what was Jungsoo's concern was about . It has been the same for the past three weeks.

"Um, no, actually. Might be in the cafeteria with the his friends or so"

Even with the unspoken uncertainty, Jungsoo muttered "Hope so" and they both walked towards their classroom.

She sat down on her seat. Her mind was forming up different scenarios and with each one, she was getting more certain that Jungkook was an idiot with an abnormal number of holes in his head. she shook off her thoughts and focused on their teacher who just started the lesson.


Taehyung was walking in the hallway of the junior part of the high school. The seniors weren't always allowed in this area but Taehyung's got a pass because of some message he had to deliver to one of the teachers from the principal. He wasn't hoping to see Jungkook nor Jungsoo since they were still in classes. The recess bell still hasn't rung and the hallways were pin-drop silent. Taehyung arrived at the end of the hallway where there was an abandoned classroom. there were some repairs that had to be done and therefore it was sadly subjected to ignorance by the whole school. Well, the whole school except for a few astray students.

When Taehyung closed in on it, he could hear some shuffling noises and voices of some students laughing. he peeked in on the front door of the two doors and his face automatically contorted into a scowl when he spotted someone he very well knew. Thanking himself for bringing his phone, he started to record the scene for later reference. Taehyung very much wanted to jump in and slap him across the face but he hardly held it back.

Since he was covered by the row of lockers, no one walking in from the direction he came couldn't spot him nor could he see anyone. So, when the back door of the classroom was opened, he was a bit surprised. His surprise rose to an all-time high when he saw an enraged Jungsoo walking towards the group of boys.

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