Drunk and Dazed | 1/2

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Requested by PravallikaGunti



Jungsoo down on the couch, beside him and Jungkook resumed the movie they had been watching. Time to time a glare would be exchanged but neither of them were ready to ditch the movie and continue a fight. They were movie buddies. Well, when they wanted to be. And now that nobody was ready to join them to watch first Maze Runner movie, they became the perfect harmonious pair. A view, indeed.

While they were too immersed in the movie -which they had watched at least ten times before-, Yoongi came to the living room and called them a few times to get their attention.

"How long is it going to take?" He asked, when he finally succeeded to get their attention.

Jungkook looked back at the paused screen, "About half an hour, hyung"

"Okay, go to sleep after that, alright? I have some work to complete. So, no playing around. If I catch any of you snooping around..." Yoongi didn't complete the sentence, giving them the freedom to think of possibilities.

"Okay, hyung. Good night" Jungkook was the first one to answer.

"Good night, oppa" Jungsoo, too, wished and Yoongi ruffled her hair in reply. On his way to the staircase, he wished both of them good night.

Jungkook again resumed the movie and this time, they really got to watch with no disturbances. As the end credits started flowing, they heard some sounds from the kitchen. It was some metal sounds as if someone had dropped a pan or something like that. But the thing was no one was in the kitchen. They were sure that Yoongi was the last one to go there. The two made a long eye contact before standing up from their places. Jungkook took the lead and Jungsoo followed closely behind, with the tv remote in her hands as a weapon. The closer they got to the kitchen, tighter became the grip Jungsoo had around the remote.

But when they stepped inside, they could see two familiar silhouette in the dim light falling in by the windows. Jungkook switched on the lights of the room and the silhouettes turned into solid figures. Both Jungkook and Jungsoo let out sighs but one was of annoyance while the other was of relief.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked from the elder two who stood like criminals caught in action. They stood behind the kitchen island while the younger two were still at the entrance.

"We just came for a snack" Jimin answered with a smile towards the younger two but Jungsoo looked away, at Taehyung.

"Why didn't you switch the light on?" Jungkook again questioned and Jimin sighed exaggeratedly.

"So, that you two wouldn't freak out" Jimin answered. "Anyways, we'll get going. Aren't you going to sleep?"

"We will" Jungkook answered.

Jungsoo stayed silent, not wanting to answer Jimin. Jungkook knew it. But what he couldn't figure out was why Taehyung was so quiet. It was pretty unusual of Taehyung to keep quiet for that long. Something was up, Jungkook could say. But did he have the energy or time to investigate? No. Sleep had been ringing him non-stop and he wasn't going to decline it anymore.

Jungkook nodded to himself and turned around to go out of the kitchen and to the living room to turn off the tv. Jungsoo, too, followed him and waited for him. After, they both went upstairs together.

Jungsoo went to her room and plopped down on her bed, in hopes of sleep dragging her to her dreamland. She bundled herself up in the blankets and waited for sleep to come but it didn't. She changed her posture a few times. Maybe lying on her back would work? No result. How about lying on her stomach? Nope. Nothing seemed to work. Didn't sleep want her?

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