We've Got You

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YOUNGEST TWNS ~ 1 year old


The trees as high as his goals, passed his sight in the matter of milliseconds. Every minute, there was whole new sight he wanted to remember; to imprint in his mind. A few rabbits and squirrels and some birds were the only residents he found inside the evergreen forest ever since the moment of departure – the sight totally contrast of what his social-media-freak friends had told him. Maybe it was too early for the creatures to wake up when they visited, he tried to reason but a sigh left his lips when he realized how childish his thoughts were. Maybe the twins' imaginations and ideas were contagious. A smile appeared on his plump lips as the image of his two youngest siblings -cuddled together- popped up in his head.

It almost seemed that the sweet melody playing inside the train cabin had calmed down the usual chaotic family. Jin tore his gaze from the never-ending greenery and looked around to spot a smile on the faces of his loved ones. But got the opposite of that. 

Yoongi was sleeping with his bucket hat over his face which didn't help to cover up his wide opened mouth. Namjoon was leaning on Hoseok's shoulder while the autobiography of his favorite author laid flat on the grey table in front of them. Hoseok -with the help of Namjoon- had leaned on to the glass window, making his neck bend at a weird angle. The elder twins had sprawled out on the big seats, with their desired sleeping postures -Jimin with his legs poked in either direction while Taehyung -somehow- had his leg over Jimin's shoulder. Jimin stirred in his spot and turned to the side, making Taehyung gather back his legs. There were no signs of the youngest ones and Jin assumed that they'd be in the next cabin with their parents.

What more could he expect? Everyone was dead tired and the jet lag they got from the flight wasn't doing any better.

Their parents had decided to spend a vacation in Jeju island. They were always busy -Jin had accused them when he suddenly burst out few weeks before. The couple was surprised. They didn't want to be that kind of parents, running after dollar bills, forgetting their real treasure. So-Yoon tried to reach out to Jin a few times but Jin kept his mouth closed like a locked diary, hiding so many frustrations and answerless questions within. Eventually, they decided to pay a visit to the oh-so-famous Jeju island and then their grandparents' who lived in Gangwon. They knew how much Jin liked tranquil train rides and hence, they now lay down on their comfortable seats in some uncomfortable positions which are sure to give them cramps in a few hours.

Jin sighed, as he took out his phone to check the time. It's evening – the time said. as he felt the seat beside him sag down, he could feel her unique lavender-mixed scent. He pressed his lips into a thin line and looked down at his fidgeting fingers.

"Thank you, so much, eomma" he muttered out. And she heard it thanks to the tranquility inside the cabin.

"You don't have to thank us, honey. It's what we do, as parents, y'know -keeping every and each of our little stars happy, safe and well- comfortable." She quieted down as a small sad smile etched across her face.

Jin knew the reason behind that smile. "Eomma, I'm so sorry"

She broke her gaze from Jin's face to outside the window. "Jin, I know that you're going through changes right now- physically and mentally" Jin looked at her eagerly, wanting to hear what she had to say. "It's hard, I can imagine – I understand. You could have some problems with your friends, doubts about your own thoughts 0r maybe even about yourself" she paused to look at him and Jin avoided eye contact.

how can he tell her that it's all of that?.

"It hurts, prince. When I see you all frustrated and annoyed but knowing that there's nothing I can do, prince. It's not that you're not comfortable with, right? Even if you can't tell me anything, just talk to your appa, okay? he's always ready to hear you guys out -even if he doesn't always show it. just don't keep it all bottled up, okay? just write it down, shout it out, talk to a friend- anything but keeping everything to yourself is not good, you understand?"

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