Too Much

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Jungsoo had woken up late. Cursing at her inconsiderate behavior, she walked down the stairs to have her late breakfast. She could see Yoongi already getting ready to make lunch. It made her all the more disappointed in herself. After wishing Yoongi a good morning -even though it was almost noon-, She served herself and sat down at the kitchen island. To make up for the time she wasted on her bed, she swallowed down her meal as quickly as she could. The hasty act scared Yoongi.

"Slow down, Soo. You're going to choke yourself" He advised, which did make the younger slow down-even though it's a little bit.

She continued her meal in silence and Yoongi didn't mind it, either. But what broke that comforting silence was the slight screechy sound the stool made when Jungsoo tried to get up from it. She washed her plate from the sink and placed it on the rack. She grabbed her mug to fill it with some water since she didn't feel like drinking milk right now. Just when she was about to take a sip of that refreshing water, Taehyung barged into the kitchen with a jacket in his hands.

"Soo, we're going out. Be ready in ten" He informed the girl and stole her mug from her hands to take a sip first. She hissed.

"I'll have to pass" She replied, grabbing her mug back which was now almost empty. She groaned and filled it again.

"What, why?" Taehyung exclaimed as if she hadn't turned down a single hang out in all her life. and apparently, she rarely did... at least until a few weeks ago. "Soo, come on. this is like the third time you're turning down one of our hangout plans- For this week"

"See how much time you waste, just playing around?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Wouldn't it be better to just complete those assignments of yours, oppa?" She placed her mug back in the rack.

"Oh, my dear sis, when did you grow that old?" Taehyung dramatically faked a cry, pulling her in a hug and patting her back, making her sigh. "What do you have to study this much? For the past month, you've been at it. let lose a little, yah?"

"I will, oppa, later" she replied, trying to get away from him.

"No, now's the time" He argued back, making the girl groan. "And aren't you hot?"

"Well, I am your sister" she said and chuckled.

"What? Yeah, that is, true. But no, I meant as in the temperature" he questioned her decision of wearing a long sleeved sweater.

"Nah, the house is cool enough but please let me go, oppa"

"Not until you agree"

"I can't, not today" Taehyung kept his grip around her as if he couldn't hear her. "Oppa! Yoonie oppa?"

Yoongi, who was observing the whole interaction, sighed. "Let her go, Tae. She'll join you another day if she says so"

"Tell me an exact date" Taehyung demanded, letting her go. But he instantly regretted his actions as Jungsoo ran away, out of the kitchen, yelling that she'll tell him a date later.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi, who had gone back to his work.

"Hyung... It's getting a bit too much, isn't it?" Taehyung asked, from the elder.

"Yeah, I know, I'll look into it" Taehyung sighed and nodded before going out of the kitchen at the elder's assurance.

Meanwhile on Jungsoo's side,

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